Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself

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I'm not technecally white.

Brown hair brown eyes pale skin


>his community doesn't have regularly have french/Scottish/German cultural festivals
Stop crying, and move to the country, faggot

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How does one support white pride?
Are there groups? meetings?
Is there a community center that takes donations?
Are there goals to the program?
Do white pride people seek to eliminate every other race so there are only whites?
You can't ask a group of people why they don't support something without providing some information to the cause.
White euros are all the result of inbreeding
All the whites in america are products of that moved west and for the majority of them are just low iq sweating mongrols.
You need to add more to ur threads OP otherwise they just get marked as bait and ignored.
I'm white

Basically I have actually done something with my life. So I don't need to fall back an an entirely arbitrary characteristic to feel a misguided sense of belonging...

>Explain yourself
brown pussy exists

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I am not an angry, closeted homosexual.

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Damn right it does!

Because white SJWs are just as embarrassing as other SJWs. They're all basically losers.

>being black but not stealing shit and eating chicken fried watermelons
Explain yourself

>being asian, but not crashing your car into a tree because you were busy doing a math problem
Explain yourself

>being canadian but not ODing on poutine and maple syrup
Explain yourself

>being german but not turning every jew you see into a lampshade
Explain yourself

1. Their supporters are white trash rednecks, and I'm a civilised West-German European.

2. Although I hate 95% of the niggers, one of em is like my best friend.

>being puerto rican, but not getting a life size tattoo of jesus on your back
Explain yourself

>being chinese but not filling your olympic gymnastics team with six year olds
Explain yourself

you lose

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I'm Bulgarian

>being a paki but not taking baths in cheap cologne before going out to creep on white women
Explain yourself

>being british but not munching on the queen's fanny
Explain yourself

>being australian, but being sober
Explain yourself

>being a dirty filthy kike but not loaning you brother five shekels and asking where your ten shekels are the next day
Explain yourself

>being a towelhead but not wearing your bomb vest while goatfucking
Explain yourself

Ok moshe.

>being a west virginian but not storing your penis in your sister
Explain yourself

>being mexican but not climbing over walls in your sleep
Explain yourself

>being brazillian but being of a specific gender
Explain yourself

You're safe now brother, collect yourself and relax. They can't hurt you anymore. You did good

>same as above, but thailand
Explain yourself

>engaging in antisemitic behavior
Explain yourself

You're on the wrong board

Honestlyu at this point I'm just trying to come up with as many as possible. I think it's kinda fun.

So if we get rid of the brown pussy, what then?

Shut the fuck up, shlomo.

>wearing a maga hat, but not on meth
Explain yourself

Being proud of something that isn't an accomplishment is a fucking participant trophy, fuck that and fuck you, you unaccomplished piss ant

I thought I told you to shut the fuck up you baby penis vampire.

>hating on jews, but not an egyptian building pyramids
Explain yourself

asian, jewess, indian, etc.

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yeah yeah
I bet you love open-borders and are a proud individualist libertarian!
you won't let reality get in the way of your delusional high level thinking!
fucking retard