Why does this bitch keep on teasing us? I wanna fuck her tits so bad rn
Why does this bitch keep on teasing us? I wanna fuck her tits so bad rn
Because she's only 17.
she's fucking gross
She lost all attractiveness to me after she got all the trashy tattoos and nigger haircut. She also lost weight and is now a C cup on a good day. Really disappointing.
supply and demand
you simps keep supporting her
ignore her and she'll go away
Also i think always having her hair tied back in a tight ass pony tail has killed off part of her scalp and she now has a really bad receding hairline.
Me too, Yas Forumsro. That's wifey right there.
fun fact i have a Video of her tits but i think she's illegal
Fun fact no one gives a shoot unless you’re ganna posted faggot
And you're waiting to post because?
You need to get out more. shes gross , even in internets standards...
kys tard also it seems to be a pic oops
Fake, I'm sure.
also ima wait untill someone realizes
Gucci flip flops
Her tiddy fallen out of a top
She needs to learn boxing or mma.
Is her hair fucking painted on? What the actual fuck am I looking at here.
Post the video
>Because she's only 17
hol up, shes 17?? She looks like a grown woman!
You have child pornography and youre advertising on Yas Forums?
jesus christ... she's going blacker and blacker
Where tf is her hairline at? Growing up fast isn't all perks, I see
Reported for manufactured photoshopped child pornography.
depending where she's from, she's already legal
Is that even a thing?
Kek fucking idiots
Holy fuck thats nasty. I bet her armpits smell like spicy mustard
there's a video of her peeing on a ground with a bunch of friend and/or her family. You can see her cunt a bit
she's plain disgusting
she even said pushup bras do wonders
poetic justice that the jewish girl is obsessed with becoming black