Daily reminder that the Corona Virus is just the common cold zero real way to test and track it...

Daily reminder that the Corona Virus is just the common cold zero real way to test and track it. The only thing the media is doing is speculating and spreading lies and disinformation its been 3 months and the worlds best scientists still know next to nothing about it why is that? Because there is nothing to know its the common cold most everyone gets infected at least twice a year. You really gonna test 300 million people at $200 a test? Who is going to pay for it? Whats the point when there is a 98% recovery rate?

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1/3 of diagnosed patients die, fuckwit.
Google it yourself, the number of recoveries is only twice the number of deaths.


It's not the cold that invalidates everything you say afterwards.

Only about 14000 people died out of 60 million cases in the us

The numbers are bogus no way to get any info form the bogus numbers. Over 200 million have already been infected and recovered.

sure kid

Don't come to Yas Forums (or Yas Forums in general) expecting anything but normal people. They don't understand. Nor will they understand. They are your average, every day normal neighbour. They wouldn't care if the coronavirus were a PLANdemic, or a real virus, or a fever dream. They are all people who just want to be left alone. They're real tired. They just want their porn, their stupid movies and YouTube, their dumb clubs and bars all so they can have something shallow and empty to talk about at the water cooler with their co-workers at their dead end job. They hate their lives. And as far as they're concerned, you might even be on to something. But they can't be bothered. They are so dead inside they love their cage and their slavery. As long as they have their creature comforts, the whole world could burn and they wouldn't even look out the window to watch.

user is such a retard, go pick up a biology textbook and learn about what viruses and PCR based assays are after your'e done lying in shot in your mother's basement

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utter BS but believe what you like

i hope you AID's OP

Daily reminder that people who post this shit deserve to burn in hell because you are literally contributing to the general ignorance of the population and contributing to these deaths.

> common cold ...
Yeah, well ... okay. Catch you that specific cold, lets see what you´re going to say afterwards. If you´ve seen someone dying or better, if you saw him getting a "cold", having your Granny calling you at night, because your grandfather cant barely breath and shes full of fear and two days later she calls you again, because your grandfather died the night before (yes, he was still recovering from a cardiac arrest 6 months ago), well, then you know, how common colds are not so much different.

I honestly ask you to try it with natural selection on your own.

when i get the common cold im not coughing up blood and gasping for air because of pneumonia and i certainly dont feel like doing that so ill stay home for now

But you're wrong, retard

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Yas Forums - Random
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Yas Forums does not have a representative sample of the population as it's user base

Ok Normal Person.

It's quite clear the only reason "quarantine" is too much for you people is because without your dead end, meaningless jobs to go to every day, you're stuck at home with yourself. And when you are hold up indoors with no one but yourself and your thoughts and all that time to think? It's no wonder you want to drink and tie a rope to a tree. None of you can handle that. That's why, as much as you know you hate your jobs and all the meaningless crap you do, it's better than sitting in your head with nothing to face but reality. That is the DREAD of your life. So, as people are stuck inside, domestic violence goes up as people begin abusing drugs and alcohol more regularly. And all because they are stuck with themselves not knowing what to do.

Lol hey buddy you are retarted but I like yuo

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"But I am different"-everyone ever

>1/3 of diagnosed patients die, fuckwit.
No they don't, fuckwit

Gr8 b8


>135,289 Cases which had an outcome:
>85,549 (63%) Recovered / Discharged
>49,740 (37%) Deaths

... aaaand your turn, go.

In a way, you are right.

It's in how we deal with things. Do you see a problem and hide from it? Do you see trouble coming and turn your head, looking for the nearest exit? Or do you face it head on? I'd bet that there are plenty of situations most people might be willing to deal with head on. But what about the REAL issues of life? Like, "What is life?... What am I doing?... What does it all mean?... What if there WERE life after death?... Did I deserve everything that's happened to me? Did everyone I ever hurt deserve what I did to them?"

Taking on a business meeting or getting a project done on time would be a much easier fight than taking on the REAL fight of your life. And that is figuring yourself out. "What DO I want out of life? Why do I toil day and night for NOTHING?" I'm sure you could think of a hundred things right now you'd rather think about than these things. I can't do that. I WON'T do that.

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>135,289 Cases
Except that's wrong, but nice try. By the way where do you live pal? Some dump nobody gives a fuck about?

>135,289 Cases
>which had an outcome

No, it's right. Learn to read.

>which had an outcome
>IN a hospital
>where the disease is more serious because people decided they needed to goto a hospital
>completely ignoring the many 100,000s or even millions of people who didn't have symptoms at all, or were so mild they ignored it as a cold or something

It's like you can't even think properly. How do you even get out of bed with such low levels of cognitive ability?

Daily reminder THAT I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT IS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDER just the MY FAGGOTRY IS EXPONENTIAL zero real way to test AND I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. track it AND I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. The only thing the media IS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDER doing IS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDER speculating AND I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. spreading lies AND I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. dIS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDERinformation its MY FAGGOT TISSUES been 3 months AND I’M A TROLLING FAGGOT. the worlds best scientIS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDERts still know next to nothing about it why IS MAKING ME WANT TO SUCK TRUMP’S COCK HARDER that? Because ? there ? IS ? ? MAKING ? ME ? WANT ? TO ? SUCK ? TRUMP’S ? COCK ? HARDER ? nothing ? to ? know ? ? its ? MY ? FAGGOT ? TISSUES ? ? the ? ? MY ? FAGGOTRY ? IS ? EXPONENTIAL ? ? most ? everyone ? gets ? infected ? at ? least ? twice ? a ? year ? ? AND ? I’M ? A ? TROLLING ? FAGGOT. ? ? I’M ? A ? TROLLING ? FAGGOT. ? ? You ? really ? gonna ? test ? 300 ? million ? people ? at ? $200 ? a ? test? ? Who ? IS ? ? FAGGOT WATCH ME SUCK TRUMPS COCK EVEN HARDER ? MAKING ? ME ? WANT ? TO ? SUCK ? TRUMP’S ? COCK ? HARDER ? going ? to ? pay ? for ? it? ? Whats ? the ? point ? when ? there ? IS ? ? FAGGOT WATCH ME SUCK TRUMPS COCK EVEN HARDER ? MAKING ? ME ? WANT ? TO ? SUCK ? TRUMP’S ? COCK ? HARDER ? a ? 98% ? recovery ? rate? SPOCK?

Bro you can't do anything except tell people "HURR URE WRONG FGT" instead of backing up your shit with facts.

Fuck off simp.

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