What is the first thing you look at in this picture. I need serious answers for my scientific research

What is the first thing you look at in this picture. I need serious answers for my scientific research.

Attached: 1335235.jpg (1080x1080, 119.84K)

Use this data well, user!

Attached: 1587677441305.jpg (1080x1080, 195.05K)

Why is her laptop open but she’s using a smartphone to take a selfie?

This is a vain attention whore and the apartment is not her's

Face, eyes

at the head tilt and hair, next was trying to figure out the "calf-to-waist" ratio

Nice thigh.

Her smartphone's camera is most likely a gazillion times better you retard.

How weird she's holding her phone.

That god damn cable running way in the fuck off into wherever from the TV. Who the fuck has a cable running like that? It isnt hard to just mount the cable along the walls and have a nice looking place, but that shit and how piss garbage poor she must be to have a bed frame made out of mexican payroll just distracts me.

the first thing i look at is the feeling i feel when i look at her and i find her obnoxious


her tits because of the pink top



One more pic for better results

Attached: 645647.jpg (1080x1350, 161.46K)

by that i mean the ratio between calf, thighs, ass and waist. boobs don't really matter that much to me, i like them small and big, never cared too much about them. her milkers were probably the last thing i looked at, after noticing that the apartment is far too spartan and clean, almost sterile, to be hers.


Attached: 20200423_164553.jpg (206x154, 14.79K)

her feet. they seem to look nice.

Her face, it might sound gay but it's the first thing I look in a girl

lmao. fuckin beta

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Attached: 1587627554633.jpg (1080x1080, 93.74K)


Fun fact: evolutionary psychology says the face shows age, genetic quality, health, and long term reproductive value. The body shows fertility cues for short term, such as how able they are to have kids at the current time. Looking for a long term mate, look at and notice the face more. Look for a short term hook up, look at and notice the body more.

Look at something else, well that's cause you are asking here so mental illness.

keep going

Exactly the same as this user

her nose

I'm not going to fuck a fucking monkey just because it has massive milkers

I wouldn't call this a "fun fact", at least it's interesting

Why is the bed so fucking wide,
Cool concept tho, gonna use it too

The feet