So America's POTUS has declared that the US has passed it's peak, but yet the numbers have went back up again

So America's POTUS has declared that the US has passed it's peak, but yet the numbers have went back up again.

Seriously does this guy even understand what the numbers represent.

He is so desperate to open up businesses again that he is willing to gamble, yet again, on American lives being ruined when this shit spreads even quicker.

The guy is a right and utter fuckwit. Why do you guys like him?

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i like how your blaming the president on the fact americans are stupid and refuse to stay home while they are sick

this is the entire problem with coronavirus,its proven how dumb americans are

also,your assuming the numbers are even accurate.the feds are probably faking it like they did with the unemployment rate

not that i care,i think the country should of reopened a long time ago.we can manage this if you quarantined people right,but the us goverment has fucked it up since the beginning and thats why they led the world in cases

Politics is naturally polarizing. I imagine that if a magic book, interpreted by a magic robed child toucher, tells me that God is important and abortion is a gateway to hell, and I believed that, I would be Republican too.

what i dont get about bible thumping republicans is

they'll shut down the church's in their states.yet preach about conservative values,if you were really the christfags you talk would allow people to go to church

Every choice is a gamble, a gamble on whether shutting down will save enough lives to justify the cost, a gamble on whether or not opening back up will stop the economic decline without costing too many lives.
There is no doubt he will be judged as though he were psychic and knew in advance the results of his gambles. How do we know this? Because he has hardly even made the choices and he's being judged as if you, who have nothing to lose, have the psychic ability you expect of him.

If you depress the economy enough you'll just get overdoses and suicides instead.

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In the UK, politically the divide between left and right is statistically skewed between young and old. Older voters are more likely to vote for conservative/right wing policies and younger more likely to vote for more socially minded/left wing policies.

As a result of this virus having a significantly worse effect on older people, the older people are actively encouraging this lockdown. Younger people, being more socially aware and wanting to protect older people are also very much in favour of lockdown. As a result, most of the country (93% at a recent count) are very happy with a lockdown.

The UK peaked with about 2,000,000 cases (ref: and are now down to about 400,000. The NHS is coping and starting to change its wards back to normal ones from covid ones.

In the US, however, the political divide is a) more location based, and b) built on a constitution that promises freedom. Therefore it is much harder for a consensus to form I would imagine, and one reason that so many feel disaffected and want to protest

FYI the decision to close churches is not absolute with some churches still operating and others doing things like drive-in or online services.

The most draconian shutdowns of churches have been ordered in Democrat states by Democrat governors.

yeah,either way.i care more about the liquor stores in my area being closed

>does this guy even understand what the numbers represent

No. The fact you even pose this question means you are as stupid as he is.

>He is so desperate to open up businesses again that he is willing to gamble, yet again, on American lives

Again, you are the retard. Of course Trump and the majority of Americans are willing to gamble with people's lives, because they don't care about them. They want the stock market to go up and they want businesses making money regardless of the cost to human life. They don't give a shit about other people.

Seriously, look at our government for the past 40 years. The most common theme is profits > people.

>Why do you guys like him?

They like him because he validates the version of reality they view, regardless of whether it is factually correct or not. Partisan political ideology is essentially a macro-level shared delusion.

Once you recognize that human beings are inherently self-interested the dumb and cruel things they do make a lot more sense and then you don't make stupid threads like this. The willfully ignorant own this world an unfortunately that is the way it will continue to be.

> built on a constitution that promises freedom

why even have a constitution anymore,nobody wants to support or defend it

>Seriously does this guy even understand

Why do you even bother trying to understand what's going on in the head of a person with dementia?

>They want the stock market to go up

this is why america will never improve unless americans get rid of trump and his supporters.they care more about the economy then healthcare.which they've proven that republicans are even worse at healthcare then democrats are

And churches add what value exactly? You can play make-believe at home.

Oh boo hoo the churches don't get to collect tithe for a month or two. It's not like you can practice your faith literally wherever you want

your missing the point

republican states,with republican governers.closed the decent sized church's at the beginning of this,they just continue to want to prove how fake conservatives are since donald trump got elected

>month or two

haha,wishful thinking there.try 6 months to a year.thats how long america is going to suffer from coronavirus,since they are to dumb to handle it right

i mean hell,they already predicted that social distancing was going to last until 2022

meanwhile,countrys full of educated people have already handled this good enough to stop restricting people from the grocerys stores and closing business's down

Fair point. And it is used and abused for all purposes and treated as objectively true for all circumstances...a bit like the way they treat the bible. No wonder the country is fucked

you guys all protested to open again (after the shortest lockdown ever).............make you fucking minds up!
man americans are entitled

>this is why america will never improve unless americans get rid of trump and his supporters

Uh, fam, maybe you are missing the point. Probably, actually, because you're a fucking idiot.

Nowhere in my post did I say this mentality was exclusive to Trump and his supporters. Notice that I said past 40 years. The Reagan-style Democrat neoliberals that control the Dem party and make up most of their electorate are just as morally and intellectually bankrupt as the Trumpers. Look at the Dem primary this year and in 2016 for evidence of that. They took a field of ten actually good candidates and narrowed it down to the absolute worst one, a man who has a 40 year track record of literally not giving a shit about Americans or the middle class and instead sucking big fat oligarch cock.

Yet Democrats will take all the bad shit they bitched about with Trump and then ignore the same shit with their own chosen shitball. Because that's how ideological delusion works. You only see the bad about the other team and it becomes a contest about winning at all costs versus actually governing effectively.

It's partisan, selfish, tribal, willfully ignorant mentality across the political spectrum that is the problem and America will never improve until people turn off cable news and start critically thinking about their fucking worldviews instead of blaming people that think differently for all their problems.

it's ok, op, we all know that your life of being fat in your single mother's basement in her section 8 house, and jerking off to chinese cartoons, then crying yourself to sleep hasn't changed at all during this quarantine.

Wtf is this.

A real, reasoned argument?


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Please help the shekel family

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[spoiler]LIBERATE! MIichigan
LIBERATE! Virginia
LIBERATE! Minnesota

Why does he only want states with Democratic governors "liberated"?

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I could give a fuck about churches, except that there are a lot of people in this world who need to believe in something and need a community to belong to. There are also a lot of people who get their psychological counseling from their church and it doesn't cost society a dime.
Invisible zombie sky prince can go fuck himself as far as I'm concerned, but religion on whole is a societal good.

Jesus is the best vaccine

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The suicides, food riots and civil unrest from continuing the lockdown won't kill Americans then?