Existence is pain

existence is pain

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Yea dude I love being "sad"

True, but what are you going to do about it? Mope and whine and slip into depression like a little bitch, or will you stand up straight with your shoulders back and pick up your cross, and struggle against the shittiness of the world to maybe make it a little less shitty for the next guy?

It can be.
It can also be other things.
I hope you can recognize that.

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you have a point there

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my problem with depressed assholes like you is that you never heed anyones advice on how to get out of it. you just sit and mope and bitch and cry and be worthless which makes you feel like more of the piece of shit you are.

you dont eat right you dont exercise you dont socialize and you dont get real hobbies and then wonder why you're miserable? its pathetic

the world is better off without you as the way you are, but not in the way you COULD be you whiny little pussy

The secret to curing depression is having/expressing appreciation

>I'm depressed
>That sucks, maybe try these solutions
>I don't want solutions, I want to be depressed

this sad feeling goes over then its only suffering.

yea thats you
stop blaming your depression on anything other than you
its your fault, the circumstances that caused it in the first place aren't your fault, but your reaction to those circumstances ARE your fault
this green text is literal proof that you prefer to be depressed than to help yourself. no one can do it for you, medication wont do it for you, you have to actually put in the work you lazy slob

I bet all this is hurting your feelings instead of motivating you too huh? good, you dont know real pain, you dont know what its like to be suicidal, youre a whiny bitch who wants things but doesnt wanna work for them

anything you want in this world you have to go out and get your fucking self, you wanna be happy? go outside and fucking get it, you'll never find it lying in bed moping like a bitch

Find something that gives life meaning. Life’s out there, but if you spend day after day inside with no ambitions, of course life is passing you by at lightening speed. Don’t focus on where you are, focus on where you want to be, and if that is hanging from a ceiling fan, get on with it and post it faggot

not really
you can appreciate things and still be depressed

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Lol depressed fag denies advice for getting better
>what’s new?

>eats shit food
>playing vidya all day
>no exercise
>no sun
>no socializing
>no productive hobbies
>no education
>no ambition
>no work ethic
>smokes weed

....why do I feel like a loser?

See OP this is why you should never bring it up even online. You just get tough guys beating their chests, putting words in your mouth, etc

Then kys

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you have to actually try, that's what depressed fags never do, is try. If they tried earlier in their lives instead of sit around all day doing nothing, maybe they wouldnt be depressed today. they can still come out of it but theyre so bitter. I dont even talk about how i came out of it because to them it's always "different" and "no one else knows my pain" "no one feels what I feel"

newsflash fag, millions of people across history have and worse. youre not special, maybe thats why youre depressed because you realize youre not special, who knows. fact is, people have felt EXACTLY like you and have gotten themselves out of it. they didnt wait for someone to do it for them because that wouldnt happen. the ones that dont act kill themselves

The reason people avoid depressed people because they act so obviously helpless and oblivious to their problems. Everyone not depressed can see what your fucking problem is, why can’t you? 99.9999% of depressed people, are 1) lazy and don’t want to change their position in life 2) use depression as the reason they are lazy and don’t want to change their position in life and 3) Relieved people see depression as an illness, so they actually don’t have to change their position in life because if they weren’t depressed they’d “totally” be killing it

How do you know you exist is there is no pain?

>people giving the tough love OP never got
>giving advice on how to he can make himself better
>tough guys beating their chests

are you that emotionally frail that you can't stand to hear truth? the depressed are all the same, their behavior and patterns are all the same and the fixes are so fucking simple, not easy, but simple. the hardest part is getting their worthless asses out of bed and putting in the time. it will take months and possibly years, but it will go away with the right habits and everyday they choose to not act is another day their goal gets farther away

>pick up your cross, and struggle against the shittiness of the world to maybe make it a little less shitty for the next guy
either you're baiting or you're actually a naive and pretentious underage faggot who unironically thinks "struggling against the shittiness of the world" will change anything at all, for you and for whoever else comes after you.
Who even is "the next guy" in the first place, and why exactly would someone care about what life would be like after they're dead? You're spitting pointless "self-motivational" cope without even realizing how much of a clown you're making yourself look like.

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lol OP seeks attention but barely has the motivation to reply

10% of life is what happens to you
90% of life is how you react to what happens to you

As someone who deals with Depression for years i can agree with these posts. Noone will come and fix your problems for you, you habe to get out of your bubble and do something. Nothing will get better by constant whining and bitching. Also noone likes a whiner.


Look around you, the world has gotten a lot less shitty since the middle ages, and that's primarily due to honest intelligent folk knowing that life is pain and existence is shitty and working hard regardless. The symbol of the Christian faith is an innocent man undergoing intense suffering and a wrongful death sentence. That's literally how the world is for everyone. And yet here we are! Look! The lights are on! We have hot clean water! I get to discuss philosophy with you from across the globe! Life has gotten better, and if you willingly accept the suffering of the world, and work hard to alleviate it, things will and are getting better. Nihilism and defeatism is not an option. Pick up your cross! God wills it!


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I have had major depressive episode in the past, some were due to drug withdrawals and others not.. You don't have the energy to just lift yourself out of depression by doing things or all the other shitty advice others are offering here, it's not that simple.. Often times it's an actual chemical imbalance or in my case withdrawals, specifically with benzos..

I would just say be as kind as you can to yourself, take as much time as you can or need off of work or school and rest up.. You're going to go through a lot of feelings in your life and they will change eventually, it's what comes with being alive. You can do it, love ya.

>withdrawing from drugs

OP for the love of god don't listen to this former addict, he's attributing his depression to his drug use. His advice of "not having the energy" is shit, energy begets energy, the more you expend the more you have, thats why sports players warm up before a game. you HAVE to get the blood flowing no matter what

jesus christ this is the worst mentality to have and you're comparing apples to junkie oranges
