Like lies and conspiracy theories? VOTE REPUBLICAN

Like lies and conspiracy theories? VOTE REPUBLICAN
Want an incompetent fool in the white house? VOTE REPUBLICAN
Tired of America being a world leader? VOTE REPUBLICAN
Truth and facts getting you down? VOTE REPUBLICAN

Attached: Asshole.jpg (918x494, 75.95K)

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This is the truth.

shareblue thread

Attached: joe biden at it again.png (626x610, 614.33K)

trump is 1000 times worse the Biden could ever be asshole.

Do you even know who that couple, the little girl and the little boy are you hypocritical DUMB ASS?

You live in la la land

How is Biden worse?


Vote Trump!
We need him 4 more years
The more he's on the white house the more Americans will die and it translate to more money for me
Trump 2020

I think leg hair and corn pop stories say all about him


Die, Asshole.

That is Bidens family at his son's funeral you piece of shit

you're clearly a nigger

5 cents have been deposited into your ShareBlue account

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And how is that worse than Trump?

That kid is a piece of shit for that face he's doing at someone's funeral

wow this guy is very clever smart. tv funny man said drumpf so now i say drumpf

Not a good reply; still voting for Biden.

It would be far better if the US went back to living there instead of FUCKING QUARANTINE!

its like watching a whole nation shooting itself in the Leg

hope he gets voted again so this amusement wont disappear

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You are clearly a huge asshole.

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The trump face? That's a sad in the sun face at a family funeral.

This sad asshole again?

Oh is that where it came from? I was just saying it myself because it's his family Nazi name...


Senile old man could become your president and you're still going to vote for him because orange man bad. At least I'm going to have material for jokes if he wins, so thanks guys

Are you trying to praise sun or are you sperging?

You wrote senile old man and Trump immediately comes to mind, how stupid are you to be trying to use "senile" and "creepy" as arguments against anyone opposing Trump? TRUMP? Try going after policy, let's see how far that gets you...

I wonder if trump has pajeet or habib blood somewhere in his bloodline.
something's off bigly.
maybe just the israeli pumped up his keister, I don't know. that geezer gets dumber every day, and it's measurable

Attached: JDIF 4 Trump The Jew.jpg (800x383, 54.26K)

I'm defending a little child sad face at a family funeral...instead of calling him a turd and joe a creep for kissing his granddaughter on the head...

>because orange man bad.
"Orange man bad" is actually not a bad line of reasoning

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