What games do you love that nobody seems to remember even exist? Pic related, my all-time favorite racing game

What games do you love that nobody seems to remember even exist? Pic related, my all-time favorite racing game.

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An RPG/racing game that still holds up even today.

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Landstalker for Sega genesis. I beat that game even when I was a kid and I thought it was dope as fuck

Black Hawk Down

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OP here. Another good one is Kid Chameleon for the Sega Genesis. A lot of real gems on that system. Shining Force and Shining Force 2 are also absolutely brilliant.

Hyper-violent, realistic metal slug ripoff in gameboy advance called "CT counter terrorism".

Basically rainbow six sidescroller

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sky odyssey
a ps2 flying game where the joystick works like a real plane joystick not the crappy plane controls you get in games like bf1 and bf5
also the soundtrack was made by the same guy who made the shadow of the colossus soundtrack

OP here. Speaking of soundtracks, the game I posted in the opening post, Quantum Redshift, was scored entirely by Junkie XL. "Crusher" is still one of my favorite songs by them, and I have it on my playlist while I work.

Crimson Shroud

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Ogre Battle 64. Played the hell outta that game back in the day


great soundtracks can make a bad game good so when a great soundtrack is paired with a good game you end up with something really special
ill have to check quantum redshift out
i really liked xg3 an obscure sci fi motorcycle (think akira 1988) racing game on the ps2 and from your pic it looks very similar

Only played the demo on an OPM disc, but it was really fun and technically impressive for early PS2. Never heard anyone else mention it.

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Medal of honour allied assault. Feel like this game doesn't get enough praise

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Yeah, the soundtrack is just a part of why The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. I can sit at the title screen and listen to that opening for HOURS. Jeremy Soule, the guy who composes the Elder Scrolls music is a goddamn genius.

oh my god this was my first intro to fps
what a good game

This freaking game. Had so much going on in it, I played for years and it just never seemed to end. I don't think I ever actually finished it.

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now that i think about it all of my favorite games have great soundtracks
another game i should mention for this thread (which has a great soundtrack) is maximo: ghosts to glory (2001)
its mostly a platformer but with a bit of hack n slash to bring a little action to the mix
whats cool about the game is that its based on the capcom arcade game goblins and ghouls
this means the game has a life counter
if you run out of lives you have to completely restart the game
i don't think theres a single game out there today where you can actually lose

Any of the Rainbow 6 games. Really good fps.

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Well, Doom Eternal has Ultra-Nightmare. One death and you have to restart your playthrough. But that's not the whole game, that's just a difficulty setting.

these are great. wish they would release a new one (not siege). t-hunt with friends was amazing.

Fucking great game, also the coop was awesome!

This was one of my favourites especially with the online play

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Alien-X, 3D game on Shockwave from like 2000/2001.

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Wish I still had a copy.

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OP here. I loved MechAssault and MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf. I actually played through them both a few weeks ago. Still have my original Xbox set up in the other room. I wish they'd make a third game or even reboot the series for the current gen consoles. Those games were fun.

yea maximo makes no compromises as there is only 1 game mode
you start with 3 lives and you can collect 1 extra life per level
the catch being the extra lives are in really hard to reach platforms
more often than not you will fall trying to get um making the extra lives completely pointless

Call of duty: MW2. Best FPS out there at the time, and I hope they never remake it. My memories of this enjoyable game will be tarnished, due to the change of players play style in that dead series.

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Still have it with my Sega Genisis

Console? what is it about looks interesting?

>ctrl+f terminal velocity

This one. the demo was bundled with Duke Nukem 3d

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I'd kill for a modern day remake of Primal Rage. Imagine how gory the finishers could be..

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