Why has this become politicized? Why is it a left/right thing? This lockdown is bad for everyone

Why has this become politicized? Why is it a left/right thing? This lockdown is bad for everyone.
More importantly, why does it seem to be leftists begging more for authoritarianism and calling the police on people for being in public? It feels like "Yes, daddy government. Punish me harder!"
We have the right to assemble.
These are the same people who would have snitched on Anne Frank to the nazis. Fucking bootlickers, and they seem to be lefties.
Why is that?

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Most folks support the lockdown, but these groups have foreign funding with nefarious purposes.

It's all astroturfing

Its so transparent and people don't see it. The WHO is funded by China and literally refused to recognize Taiwan as a real country.

I don't think coronavirus is even real. I know somebody who works at a hospital and he said that his bosses are telling them to mark regular flu deaths down as covid-19, even though they're not, because it helps them get extra funding and equipment from the federal government.

I was actually talking about these groups that support *ending* the lockdown.

Why is the right so obsessed with killing americans? First they want every child to have a rifle at school, now these insane retards want to stop the lockdown and just accept the deaths of thousands of americans..Never trust a republican

Why I too enjoy lying on the internet

You're fucking retarded. People are out of jobs and don't have money or food. You think they want the strong arm of the government to force them to stay home? You are literally a fascist. You think cops patrolling the streets to make sure people stay in their homes is okay? That's what the fucking nazis did. It's not okay.

Well, there's one group that they don't want to kill, the unborn.

But after you're born, to hell with you!

Big facts

I'm not saying I support or don't support it.

What I'm saying is that these protests are all "astroturfing" and are almost 100% artificial.

And it seems like this very thread is also an astroturfing attempt.

You realize the economic damage will just go on for longer and endlessly fester if we open up too soon right? Lock downs save lives and prevent even worse damage to the economy. You're promoting a false choice. Opening up too soon is a lose-lose, however I wouldn't expect anyone who voted for Trump to care about facts, science, or evidence so you just keep believing what you want. I'm going to be a patriot and stay home.

Wait you want to kill people with an infectious disease? You are literally a terrorist.

> funny how you can twist your words both ways huh

Wanting more authoritarianism is literally part of being left wing.

The deadly plague might have something to do with it. It not authoritarian to want to avoid spreading a disease that kills people in large numbers. You are disingenuously misrepresenting what's happening here. Your "assembly" can wait a few weeks. If you can't deal with that and the circumstances you deserve to be punished and I will absolutely enthusiastically endorse it. My politics have nothing to do with it.

Well, you're wrong.

using your right to assemble is pretty low iq rn, but yeah, leftist parasites are celebrating the lockdown and are loving being able to rat people out for being outside

Yes, daddy government. Please restrict my rights uwu
Its so hot when you send police door to door to round up the je- I mean the sick people uwu

>leftist parasites are tolerating the lockdown and are loving being able to rat people out for being biological terrorists

The trumpists want more authoritarianism, you retarded faggot. They want the president to be all powerful and to overrule the states. And these are the mongoloids who are against big government. They literally couldn't be any dumber if they tried.

Thanks for the fix. Don't get why right-wing nutjobs love killing americans with infectious diseases so much.

Basically this. Nobody should have to force you to avoid catching and spreading a plague. The fact that everyone isn't unified around this effort in the first place is baffling to me.

Why is the right hell-bent on helping Coronavirus kill more Americans? You irresponsible fools would swim on Amity Beach while the shark was in the water.

I mean we have NO vaccine, NO widespread testing, insufficient medical supplies, a joke of a healthcare system.....but YOU still want to re-open the nation and get us all killed.

Or put it another way, you don't throw a rave while the building is on fire.

Great argument. It's already been shown to be true. NGOs back this whole thing.

It would be tho

We want more authoritarianism? What is Trump but a strongman dictator-in-the-making?

Yeah, fuck this quarantine. It's better to let the old and sick die than to kill the economy which will cause the old and sick to die anyway, retard.

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Seriously, you "muh freedom" types seem to define your freedom as following whatever orders Trump gives you. Your idea of freedom is an insult to the concept.

You're gonna put a lot of young Southerners at risk too, via pre-existing conditions.


>Imagine being a nigger-loving retard.

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Sounds good to me. The sick need to die as well. We haven't had a good die-off in about 100 years. We're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overdue.

All you do is what Trump tells you to do. Some "freedom".

Take some deep breaths, adjust your fedora and calm down. You wont have mommys basement when shes dead from the 'rona. Think about your tendies.

>Imagine being this retarded.

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faggot why lie?

You're talking about millions of people's parents.
You've either never lost one or your a just boring narcissistic youth.

Nah man. You're right. You should protest about it. Big protests make the news. Find a big one.

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The economy can be fixed whenever we want. These economy structures are artificial. The government responded bu sending everyone money that a month prior would have argued that nobody deserves a "handout". There's probably more money on the way to carry people over who cant work. That alone should tell you how serious this situation is. The scenario you suggest will result in millions of deaths. Covid19 is not like most similar diseases because of its ability for exponential transmission. Infected people don't just spread it to one or two people, they spread it to five or ten people. Left unchecked millions of people would get infected nearly simultaneously and there would be no way to respond.

considering your an abject faggot with any luck you smoke and will catch the most common double lobe pneumonia form of the virus and then die gasping like a fish out of water

What the fuck is your problem? The old need to die! Keeping them around because of "mah feelin's" is akin to keeping a sepsis infect limb around. If people don't learn to let go of the past, move on, and better themselves than we're doomed to fail. Jesus Christ you're thick as hell.

Had it once before. You get so weak you can't even tell you're suffocating. It's actually quite peaceful. Nice try retard.

>The economy can be fixed whenever we want
Wow. College obviously did you no good you liberal cuck.

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What has happened to the Republicans who dare oppose Trump again? Are they still around in the party?

You ask 'Why is it a Left/ Right thing?', then you proceed to bash the left.
Tell us OP, why are you politicising and making it a left / right thing?
You said it was bad for all of us.

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I didn't say the old need to live on and on. I don't even have a stake in this. I'm explaining why "fuck this quarantine" isn't going to translate to people. They will say "fuck you, I want my parents safe."

Not sure how you can call me thick when your being an imbecile with a complete void of perspective.

Tell me something, How much of a hit does business take from permanently lost customers and businessmen, say ten of thousands?

Its a fact. The economy is an artifice. The value of "money" is an abstraction. This is not ideological. Its a fact. You can revive an economy from this scenario if you make the right decisions as a society. You can bring the dead back.

now imagine having it with hospitals full of patients and no one having enough time to waste on a faggot like you.
please oh great Darwin grant your doom upon user

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This is all just a bait thread. OP wants to push their own agenda, obviously and is not interested in discussion

Someone willfully puts my parents in danger from this and they end up dying of COVID-19, I'm suing that person for every cent they fucking have.