When the (((vaccine))) for COVID-19 finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on essential services...

When the (((vaccine))) for COVID-19 finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on essential services, what will be the best way to remove the nanotechnology the vaccine contains, that will keep us tracked for easy contact and reliability? Do you think a standard defibrillator will work? Or will something more extreme be necessary?

Attached: Magnets - they work just like rainbows.jpg (900x675, 156.2K)

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i know my gun will work without the chip so....
time to water the tree of liberty

covid-19 impact on the US:
(copy pasta)
it's partially because " wise investors " (those shady fucks who call the shots) saw the opportunity to short the market and it's been about 35 days, which gives them yet another opportunity to swap position and bull rush without facing regulator scrutiny for short-sale and breaking other various laws and violating SEC regulations.
basically funneling wealth with the sovereign being the stake holders.

this is why our leaders allowed this to happen even though it could have been marginalized and controlled if not out right prevented. they knew how it would impact and it was a great opportunity for them to funnel wealth.

the US petrodollar could no longer be the global reserve currency and it scares the fuck out of the fat cats calling the shots.

look what happened to the economy and markets when x amount of people quit working and consuming/spending money. the
occupy movement aint got shit on Kung-Flu.
between this and crypto we could... yeah. once politicians can't be bought who's interest will they serve?

it's an opportunity to change things for the benefit of 'we the people' but we would have to be a united front and organized. both wings flapping together. that's what i want.

i know I'm not the only one sick of the way our country is and that mutual feeling transcends party lines.

bout time to take our country by force

YES THIS!!! If there is 1 thing that is a PROVEN FACT it's that the current government officials are so smart that they can all work together to pull this off!

anything inside a person would get ripped out if they had a MRI. How would that be explained or if they couldn't give you an MRI without telling you why. The magnetism would destroy the chip anyway. It wouldn't be a secret very long

Lay off the weed mate.


i know made a lot of money off of it.
I'm just a blue collar piece of shit

no. the mri shit wouldn't effect the chip as it is not ferrous metal.

Attached: NANOMACHINESSON.jpg (600x502, 29.84K)

user might be on to something

microchip or die

then it cannot hold an electric charge and cannot be an active component.

There is no known material that can both be made in an electronic component AND not get jolted to shit in the focal point (the place you put the humans) of an MRI.

I’d worry more about the 5G mast stuck up your ass causing covid-19.

I'm currently studying micro biology at UC Berkeley and I'll tell you this. We dont have the tech for real "nano machines " as you know them in fiction. So chill out, take your shots and get on with life.

yes there is. nice try NWO shill

This, but i believe what user says over here

i have had 5g for over a year.
didn't get covid-19 till my wife brought it home from the hospital (icu nurse) about a month ago. symptoms were mild thankfully but i was confirmed positive and so was my wife.


Microchips are inefficient. They cost money to put in and can break down. Your body can also reject foreign objects...
They already have most people carrying around a tracking device that has a camera and a microphone on it. Most people upload all of their information on it as well.....right down to what and where they're eating.
It's called a "smart phone". They also sell people devices that sit in their homes and listen and watch them.
All with the owner permission.

Microsoft filed a patent that turns people into crypto mining rigs...

i am certain the design of the chip took a technology as old as am mri into consideration. i believe this alleged chip os the chip in this patent windowscentral.com/microsoft-cryptocurrency-idea-would-pay-out-body-activity-and-viewing-ads

Attached: NUNNNONONMUUCHIN.jpg (553x484, 32.09K)

Most modern pacemakers can work in an MRI.

thats the funny thing about the smartphone. a lot of US citizens fought the "unique ID" so they turned it into a god damn phone.

most people don't realize their data is worth more than a lot of people's annual income and even more people know fuck all about anonymity online.



the chip is not a "nano machine" although it is incredibly small. it will be installed subdermal because people are going to be the new crypto mining rigs

I work in computer network engineering, and yeah, having an influx of 7 billion odd IoT devices (which is what computer chips in people worth anything would be) that had to be to connected to a network would be a nightmare to deploy and then maintain.

The tech just simply does not exist at scale. You can make all the components easily, but scaling that up into a workable solution that an organisation as disordered as government could deploy is laughable. I work with local government, and some of their systems are archaic as fuck. Remember wannacry? That happened because they couldn't invest in decent IT equipment and people skilled enough to maintain it.

Really though....it's insane people ignore that one. That device monitors everything. Hell, you can get apps that watch your biorhythms.

It's not local government that is the concern.
What you're saying is akin to saying that the mini computers everyone has on their person every day aren't being tracked. That's laughable.

You're talking about patent WO2020060606A1, which if you google and actually read the damn thing, makes absolutely NO mentions of a chip put into your body. It would pick up the activity in the same way a fitbit/smart watch does.

short burst microwaves will take care of things easily. put a CD-ROM in a microwave, it will be like that, but smaller and inside your body.