I really want a far right American guy or girl to belittle me and make fun of me tbh

I really want a far right American guy or girl to belittle me and make fun of me tbh

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Good luck. All you're gonna get is a bunch of "liberals think that" followed by something that has literally never crossed your mind. It's totally ineffective and often hilarious.

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You're a weakling that relies on someone else to take care of you.

>pic of lib user getting beat by his wife

Also, nice strawman

lol. I can already tell you're a beta cuck male bitch.

she could make you strip naked and then break your teeth with the butt of that rifle

I'm being honest here. I know she's doing all this for attention, but is she implying she would have defended the kent state students or attacked with the national guard?


i doubt she has nearly 1/10th the cognition to even acknowledge the kent st. massacre while taking this pic, it's just the school she goes to and she's the "gun girl"

I find it hard to believe she or the people who are using her don't have a motive behind it.

i believe in gun rights, but it's ridiculously stupid to go around to columbine, sandy hook, and kent state posing with your AR
might as well pose with your gun outside the cemetary

there are supposed to be leaked logs of her in dm's saying pretty "based" shit, shouldn't be too hard to find

Fugly, obsolete snownigger bitch gets notoriety and $ from right wing incels and ammosexuals.
>0/10 would not bang.

What part of the political spectrum would you put yourself in?

dudeface makes even that questionable

The autism one

Right-wing incels love men dressed up as women so wouldn't surprise me.

Me too

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Who is that picture of

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Smelly snownigger. Nothing to see here.

>big ass crap with scope so huge it can double as a bludgeon

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That girl is such a cunt. I tried to join her stupid club when I was a freshman in college. No email back
Tried my sophomore year
No email back
Went up to her my junior year asking why she wouldn’t let me in the club. She grabbed her pepper spray and almost blasted me in the face with it.

Why are all these NatSoc girls so fucking ugly? No wonder all their men are perma-butthurt.

that's ok, you will never have the opportunity to even sniff the panties of a girl this cute in your entire life. don't act like you chose this.

Shitty piercings and buzzcut, probably smelly unwashed cunt, horrible face tattoos so probably uneducated and has no real job, don't forget NatSoc trash therefore close-minded, limited and a groupthink zombie.
>what a catch! topkek

My sjw gf is badly exposed online. I get off to the idea of far right guys spreading her pics and humiliating her because she's such an sjw slut.

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I listen to both left and right wing commentators and can say, without a doubt, SHE is the most retarded, one-trick-ponies in the game.

If she wasn't a little blond girl, people might actually be able to see how idiotic she actually is.

Y'all talkin about Kent state like it wasn't the government doing all the shooting

>privote gunn good state riffle badd