Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus has been contained in china and it has peaked in europe and us too...

Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus has been contained in china and it has peaked in europe and us too. The number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly. The measures taken by the governments are working well and we will be able to return to our normal lives in 2-3 weeks.

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It's so cute that you believe that. We need more people like you OP, optimism is a nice quality.

Sadly your totally wrong.

>Contained in China
If you think they actually have shit in control over there. I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Orange man parrot

Alot of junkies needing their fix spreading it all over the city, people spreading it on purpose too

One lingering effect will be that every OP on Yas Forums will be able to suck his own dick.

The largest number of single day deaths in the US was recorded only 48 hours ago. This is pro6going to get worse again since people are morons.

Do you have a PhD in Infectious Diseases and Immunity?

Didn't I read this 2-3 weeks ago?

>peaked in us too
have fun repeating that every week for the next month

I'm not sure if it has peaked but it's apparently close to it, for this "wave" anyway.
I'm hoping that there's been enough work done in boosting infrastructure and research to ensure that any possible future reappearance or resurgence can be managed more effectively.

corona has only been contained in god like countries like Australia.... in fucked up places like the land of the amerifats its nowhere near even seen its worse days....

"God like" theres nothing "god like" about australia

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>corona has only been contained in god like countries like Australia
It was barely present in AU to begin with. Most cases were travellers and caught before they spread it.
If it got properly into the wild in AU things would have been a lot worse.

saw this thread 2-3 week ago
and 2-3 weeks before that...
and ill see it in 2-3 weeks

Ummm everything in Australia is godlike...

but we have a competent government... Barely and even then they worked it out.


Harbin. Look it up.

Except... the people ;)

there will be another splash in fall and the virus will be deadly af, maybe even will provide zombies

The federal government didn't do much, the states did the heavy lifting.
Basically all the federal government did was close borders and throw a bunch of money around once it because politically difficult to do anything else (and frankly that's all they can do, health is primarily a state issue)
Yes, Australian state governments seem to have been more effective than their US counterparts, that's true.

government means all levels.... DICKHEAD!

Slight overreaction, there.

People worship Australia with no evidence it even exist. So... shit. Checks out.

How many days has it been 2-3 weeks now, 4...5 days?

No..... no it doesn't. Especially not when using qualifiers like federal and state.

Can partially agree but you used to wrong you're. Go back to school, faggot.

i think bill gates said rich countries will be out of this in 6-10weeks

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