Can anyone help with any of these?

Can anyone help with any of these?

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Show your tits and maybe.

I dont have tits but I have this

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Just solve the differential equations, kid

>I don't have tits
Bullshit. Only women struggle with math. You need help so you are obciously a woman. Now show your tits or fuck off.

Problem being how? They are a fuck tone harder than im used to

b-b-but I dont have tits

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That's the point of homework. Also, why the fuck do they switch notation on problem 5?

5? do you mean 6? idk why, think they do it to confuse me

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You're taking diff eq, you're not taking lower undergrad level math. You should be able to solve it with the tools you've developed through your time with math.

This is retardedly hard. I was never shown anything like this in class.

tits bump

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I really am desperate

>Being in a differential equations class and being unable to solve for equilibrium solutions after a semester.
How bad is your uni, we did half of this stuff in a single week in Calc 2.

Reckon you can help with any of them from 1 to 4? Think I got last 2

is this right for 1


Yes, so the equilibrium cases are when y' = 0, so x = +-1,y= reals as well as y=1, x = reals.


For some reason it wont let me post my asnwer

Test post

wow I cant post my answer, keep getting connection error. I swear my prof is a mod

any advice for 4?

Not that guy but fuck it. It's five fucking thirty AM and I need sleep, so I'll just give you the rough jist which I think leads to the answer.

For (i, substitute u = y^{-2} like you're given into the result you should be getting. Apply chain rule, du/dx = (du/dy)(dy/dx) = (du/dy) y'. At the end you'll need to multiply by some power of y to get the ODE a is given in terms of y. Just write this whole process backwards if need be, there's your answer.

For (ii) multiply the ODE in terms of u(y) through by x and you should immediately see it's a nonhomogenous first order Cauchy-Euler equation. Solve homogenous problem proposing solution of the form u(y(x)) = Cx^{-m}, then apply variation of parameters to solve your nonhomogenous problem.

(iii) is kinda trivial. Do it yourself, nigger.

Thanks user ill give it a go

Read a textbook or chuck it into Wolfram Alpha if you're a nigger.

>wolfram alpha

That just plugs and chugs, doesnt always help

based mathanon

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The textbook literal does not cover a lot of this