Be me

>be me
>23 college student virgin fag
>been hanging out with two next door neighbor girls during quarantine
>one is easily 9/10
>try hitting on her but she clearly shows she's not interested
>decide to cut my loses and just hangout with them just cause social interaction with girls is good experience
>stop flirting with her but still hangout with her
>normally lie when people ask me about sexual stuff because its embarrassing to admit im virgin
>fast forward to tonight
>9/10 hottie messages me
>says she's tipsy and wants to know if im a virgin or not
>don't know if i should be honest or tell her truth
what do Yas Forums?

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be honest

Broooo tell her the truth!! Do it!!

Tell her the truth. She might take it for you :)

Also pic or what she looks like?

nah dude it might be a trap and shes going to make fun of you

Yeah. Lying is pretty challenging unless you have a high wit stat. Honesty is the best policy. Nothing wrong with being a virgin.

You also stumbled on the secret to getting pussy. Indifference

The risk is worth the reward

Tell her the truth and post the results.

Tell her there is only one way to find out,

She WILL fuck you to find out.

if she asks why im a virgin, what do i say?

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this but of your messages with her

or just answer in the affirmative

Why are you still a virgin? Not trying being rude and I actually don't care personally, but if you want me to tell you what to say knowing the real situation would help.

you're a fuckin' idiot.

Ask her back "Why, did you want my V-card?"

and if she asks you again, just say "come and find out"

then fuck her.

Just say it just never really happened for you, be genuine

Doubt you'll be asked that

Used this game in my thirties only with age (I look 13 years younger than I am).

Sex is just a commodity to chicks don’t let them fool you.

I’ve banged tons of chicks just cause they wanted to know how old I am.

Feels great saying “34 bitch” as you spray it on an an 18 yr old HS seniors face, double plus when she thought you were only 21-23. And she opens her mouth by mistake and gags in your cum.

You make it a mystery and a game, and that 9-10 will fuck your brains out.

Straight up be honest. Like you've not had the opportunity. Ask her why she wants to know.

because im socially inept so after quite alot of failed attempts at getting lucky with girls i stopped trying then only just started recently trying again but then corna happened

This. It’s a good opportunity to flirt.

This OP do it!

THis is actual gold

Ok so edit that description. "Ive been through a lot lately and couldn't really put much of my energy towards relationships with other people. I was looking forward to starting and then covid 19 happened, so here I am."

Yeah, don't tell her this.

Being a virgin isn't a big deal and not really a turn off. Lying is.

Some girls like taking charge occasionally and virgins are great targets for that.

Just be upfront and honest, but don't give her any information she doesn't ask for.

Are you a virgin? Yes
Why are you a virgin? Haven't had sex yet
Why haven't you had sex yet? Because we're still wearing clothes.

This is only answer. Virginity is in the eye of the beholder. For a girl thats a hymen but for you its gonna be how you act. Just the the lead. You've seen hundreds of vaginas here on Yas Forums. Looking at one in real life is pretty much the sam other than the smell(not always bad but God are they pungent, and right there) just tell her to come over find out, and put your dick in her like you care about how she feels with your dick in her.

If she is a 9/10 and you are a virgin, good luck not cumming after 2 pumps. Shit happened to me during my first time lel.

"i dont know, ive never had the chance"

80% of the time women don't care if you're a virgin unless they're Christian, no sex before marriage types

>caring about sexual status towards others at 23yo
Grow up kid, that's a 16yo thing to do. Just self-improve, dumb cunt.

K OP here.
>me: no i haven't. why do you ask?
>her: i had a theory. that needed to be confirmed
>me:what was the theory?
>her: that if you were a virgin or not.
yea i knew this was to good to be true. she's just fuckin with me.

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Snipers positioned give the word OP

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Use the V-card line user gave you!

Say the truth

Nah, bruh bruh, keep it to your self, unless you where with here when she was tipsy then it might have went somewhere. Why does she want to know, you think she's gunna masturbate.

She doesn't know what a theory is. Not worth your time.

wish i did. would have been something to say in person but obviously shes just fuckin with me

Just ask her if she wants to take a Drink.

Lie your ass off j cole made a song about it

Men wtf I actually had hope for op

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My first time being nervous made it hard to cum. Girl thought I was gaybecause I fucked her raw. Her pussy hurt the next day and I never came. She argued if I was gay and I said no. Next morning wakes me up sucking my dick desperate for my nut. Like how a nigga have a rock hard dick for 2 hours inside pussy and be called gay

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tell her: "all theories need practical validation, sohow serious take you science?"


The fact that they would even peg you as a virgin in the first place should tell you that they’re talking about you unflatteringly behind your back and therefore not actually into you.

If you want to lose your virginity to a crazy girl who runs around looking for virgin guys to have bad sex with for the power trip, good luck lol