We're still making the BIG nazi flag far far away from the center

We're still making the BIG nazi flag far far away from the center

All the new pixels (Most of the white ones) give 10 second delay. All the fairly new ones give 40-70 second delay. All the really old ones (P U R P L E C O C K ™) give 13 fucking minutes delay. Don't touch that unless you're willing to work hard until the end

Currently the flag is about 20% done. And the work now is split between filling in the stripes, circle and cross and colouring in the r e d. Pick something and get to it.

If you bot make sure you use this image only. Put the center of the flag 14925, 14186 and not anywhere else.

How to bot: github.com/RogerioBlanco/PixelCanvasBot

Discord: 2bHPzJ

pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14186 Top left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14186 Top right corner
pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14853 Bottom left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14853 Bottom right corner

Instead of sitting at home and jacking off all day come draw swastikas and leave your mark on the world all day.


Attached: flag.png (1000x667, 62.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Attached: kek.png (696x593, 169.08K)

Attached: pixelcanvas.png (1152x926, 189.04K)

Attached: pixeljohn.png (445x623, 148.23K)

Attached: lul.png (1917x939, 457.08K)

Let's make an apache helicopter and restore Sonic.

Attached: helicopter.png (406x469, 20.95K)


Why are you guys destroying the bottom wing of the swastika that's supposed to be there. Destroy the top hollow part, not the bottom. It's supposed to be like a square, the bottom hollow part adds up with the end of the wing to the right of it.

Only the outlines should match with the other arms, the arms themselves are a little back. Literally look in the image

this is far better than the nazi shit

The solid part adds up with all the other solid parts, the outlines add up with the other outline. You guys haven't done the outline yet, it's just the middle, every other part adds up besides the bottom wing.

if you're on the tranny flag, don't place random black pixels, make the speechbubble outlines OR the helicopter.

Attached: Screenshot_17.png (762x713, 151.43K)

Restore sonic? Yes, Apache helicopter? No thanks

Let's do this everyone!

what are the coordinates for the tranny shit?

Ok, but why does the top part line up with the left part so well, while the bottom and left is such a huge difference. Do we expand the bottom part a little bit or destroy the side of the right wing a little bit?

Count the pixels

pixelcanvas.io/@15173,14762 transphobic message, Wash it up boys


I think you confused the discord the thread lol.

I don't remember the Nazis being transphobic

Weimar was full of trannyshit tho.

not the flag, It says "kill all trannies"

What would Hitler say to his proud Aryan men sitting at a computer putting pixels on a canvas for the flag, hiding behind anonymity?

You sure do preach and talk but never practice what he believed in. He would call you posers. Literally

Where does it say that

pixelcanvas.io/@15270,14771 right here, Zoom in its straight ahead


Attached: 51342247_1190234917818498_6369511764974895104_n.jpg (640x480, 23.46K)

I don't preach it agree with what the Nazi's believe in I just think making swastikas is fun lmao

99% of people doing this arent nazis