My wife's ex husband is getting released from prison after serving a 9 year sentence tomorrow . She wants him to live with us for a month because he has no other family, no where else to go and she thinks it'll be good for their 3 kids to finally meet their biological father again after so long.
I refused initially, which resulted in a huge argument between us, she thinks I'm being heartless and completely unfair to him just to put him on the streets with all this coronavirus shit going on, and it's not right to keep him from his kids. Shes flipping the entire situation on me, however I'm not comfortable letting a felon live with us, let alone my wife's ex husband. I'm not sure what do, shes already given him our address and just stopped talking to me after the argument. The kids think I'm an asshole now because they are convinced I hate their father. He will be here living in the guest room by Friday night if I dont figure something out.
Put your foot down, or that dude's gonna slip it in your bootyhole at knifepoint. Better yet, move on to some other bitch without the baggage and kids and shit.
Alexander Cruz
Continue to say no. If she wants a divorce you’ve pretty much got custody in the bag.
Easton Hughes
Why would he want custody of her and Tyrone's kids?
Lucas Cook
lmao you married a whore that already had 3 nigglets, you done goofed son
why are you married to a nigger lover? you deserve it cuck fag
Kayden Hall
If you really want to keep her, immediately accuse her of wanting to hook up with her degenerate ex and preemptively smack her around. Whoop her ass in front of the kids one time and they'll all fall in line.
Isaiah Russell
Can't believe so many newfags are falling for this pasta
Nicholas King
I’d feel sorry for you, but you’re probably some average white dude that settles down with a just decently above average white chick that had three mulatto children.
What the fuck did you expect?
Jayden Phillips
Just tell her that if she loves you more than her ex she should listen to you because you don't feel comfortable that her ex husband is coming to life with you. And if she still does it, she wants to fuck him again. Believe me. Either she still has feelings for him or she doesn't there is no in between and if she says it's for the kids she is definitely lying, because she could find him something. And if it still happens never leave your wife alone with him. The kids are ok because he doesn't want to fuck them
Luis Carter
fuck that stupid ghetto shit. not for one fucking second would I let this shit even be close to happening.
pack your shit up while shes at work(doesnt have a job) get it ready to roll. when she comes home kill her.
problem solved.
Elijah Gutierrez
Leave her and have some self respect for yourself.
She wants to fuck him while you provide resources.
Adrian Martinez
why have i seen this exact same thread verbatim like 4 times. stop reposting it faggot
Logan Sanders
nice copypasta retard have seen this two weeks ago already
Jaxon Powell
just a reminder that not sharing your girl with him is very immature and selfish she's not your property - she's a human being just let him bang her from time to time and everything will be ok
Sounds like she used your ass for a meal ticket until her man got out. Cut your loses and throw her and the kids out. And if you don't own the place, pack a bag and get the fuck away from them.
Logan King
What's the situation like ? Do you provide for everyone ? What does your girl do ? Did they move in with you ? Is this a house you own together ? Do you love her ?