I have intense anxiety attacks every time I smoke nowadays. Started happening a couple months ago...

I have intense anxiety attacks every time I smoke nowadays. Started happening a couple months ago. Had one bad time smoking and its not the same anymore.

Any way to fix this? Should I have a drink or two before smoking? Shoot me some advice.

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It’s called stop smoking you stupid fuck

it's your body saying it's time to quit

A bullet to the head you lazy pothead scum

Smoke outside eg in the nature or with people you like.
Weed works differently on ppl, but what I've experienced, if you have some inner problem, weed will increase it badly. This happened me in the last times, especially when I smoked alone. Im dropping it until my emoitions will get better.

once you have that first turning point experience it will never ever be the same. It was literally over night for me and i never smoke again. that was 12 years ago. Occasionally i can toke a baby hit off a joint but thats it, no more.

something about the strain, and concentration of THC

More THC does not mean better. You probably should try lower dose strains, and only use a small amount

also, i know nothing about weed except academic shit, so take my advice with a grain of salt

Stop smoking for a while, maybe test it out in a month or two. If you get anxiety from it your not using it as a medication but as a escape from reality. If you just keep going now you'll dig a hole that's very hard to get out of. I've had many friends turn to heroin and speed for the same reason

you're a smart man

Smoke more fuck

Nope. You've smoked too much for too long without taking breaks and now you're fucked.
Only choice is to quit smoking. Nothing you can do.

I'm going through the same shit. Havent smoked in a couple of days.

Might switch to drinking for a while

Eat cbd gummies and take a nap op

I agree with this for the most part. I was never an every day stoner tho, just something I did on the weekends. I had one freakout and its done being pleasurable forever? That doesn't make much sense to me.

Read above

Yea, maybe this is the issue. I have very bad anxiety in my everyday life. When I started smoking, the everyday anxiety wasn't there. I guess I could have grown up and it's no longer for me.

Holy shit I smoked last night and felt like I went to hell. It was the worst anxiety attack I have ever had.

take a tolerance break. and smoke the next bowl/joint with friend(s) outside. Don't overthink it user

How often you smoke? Stop for a week and you'll get stoned with the first hit and It should be almost like the first time. You should try strains with more cbd, It helped me with anxiety


I think this is what caused the problem in the first place. Getting "too high"

I've always been a drinker. The reason why this pisses me off is that I don't want to be a drinker. I'd like to enjoy smoking because its a lot better for my mental than drinking every night.

The Eagle 20 panic attacks.

I had a friend who would dab all day and be fine, but as soon as he hit some pesticide bullshit in bud form (or oil), he'd freak out

Dude when i smoke now i loose sensation in lower end of my body no legs no stomach no dick... needless to say i stopped...

Used to be heavy smoker, then stopped , then tried again now this...

happend to me to now i just grow and sell the shit atleast for me it was a good thing

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>weed are for pussies with mental health issues
>booze is for losers with no interesting personality
stop victimizing yourself and go clean

For real dude. Never thought weed could send me straight to the void. Done many drugs but for some reason weed has sent me to an indescribable hellhole.

Thank you man

This. I wish I lived in a legal state where I could have control tho :( weed is weed here.

>I have intense anxiety attacks every time I smoke
>Any way to fix this?
Stop smoking.

Considering this tbh. The only problems is I'm a slight alcoholic who can't socialize without being buzzed. Which gives me even more reason to go clean.

then you are actually self-aware, which is the first step. Good on you user. Everyone can conquer their demons, if there's enough willpower. It's always a matter of 'want' over 'can't'

fix your shit and dont try to smoke as an escape or coping mechanism, do smoke when you have fun and a good time. drugs are there to make a great day better not to make a shit day good

Dude, I had a similar situation. I used to smoke loads and loved it. Then I was smoking outside with some rando mutual friends and had a massive freak out. Haven't been able to smoke since. Tried on my own, with close friends, after a few drinks, taking little hits and doing something else etc but it's fucked.
I lost part of my personality that was innocent, easy going and could make friends easily because I lived in the moment even if I was a little naive. I haven't had that mindset since and it's one of those things you can't fake until its real. It was replaced with paranoia and neuroticism. My biggest regret is burning out the most outgoing part of my personality to be a faggy weedbro.


Maybe stop smoking faggot

Actually my exact situation. Shit blows dawg. Hopefully one day we become happier people.

>shits not good for me
>wat do
gee, i wonder...

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Do it before bed at the end of the day.

I was getting this problem a while back, but then I started jerking off an hour before smoking and it cut down the paranoia and anxiety from being stoned, I don't remember what it was but I think I read it in a weed magazine when I was a teen that the chemicals you get from orgasm balance out the negatives from weed

Yea but do i actually want to go clean? I don't know. I'm a young dude with buddies who drink and smoke. Do I want to be that guy? I don't know. I've always found "clean" people annoying to hang around. Is this just a sign I have a problem? I can get around life sober but its just less... interesting. Just thrwoin thoughts around.

Just avoiding the problem altogether is a retarded non-answer

Clearly you’re just as fucking stupid you stupid fucking fuck.