Trying some exhibitionism. Blinds are open at my apartments...

Trying some exhibitionism. Blinds are open at my apartments. Shirt behind head so it’s easier to get caught by my girlfriend in the bedroom. What should I do next to step it up?

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Start only fans

Currently just playing with my cock in front of the window.

Is that streaming? Is there an easier way? Mobile only?

Car in parking lot, or drive thru. Beach, park, or public restroom, shower.

Anything more local? I’m just in my apartments. Nowhere near a park or beach. And parking lot seems too easy. Maybe hallway?

Hallway, stair well, elevator

Was going soft. Then phone camera made loud sound. A lil excited cuz of gf maybe hearing.

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Hallway for ya

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Fuck I’m horny. I love this

It’s brightly lit by the poor outside my door too. I hope someone saw

Losing it. :( help

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Poor guy is limp. Help him plz

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Nice dick user. Dig the hairyness.

Thanks! The hair isn’t for everyone. But I’ve learned to appreciate it. Trying to let the neighbors see.

Any requests? I mean any.

You are gorgeous. Strip fully-naked.
Are your neighbors hot men who would pound your tight hairy butt if they caught you bent over the stairway railing?

Showing more of that hairy body.
Getting me going.

Thanks! So nice. They aren’t sadly... if you were here though.

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Fuck mate. Looking amazing.
That body.

A lil extra for you ;)

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I would definitely pound you. I wouldn't care who saw. I would want people to see.
Do you have anything to fuck yourself with and can we see you putting things inside of yourself please? Also, some shots of your butt and hole?

Butt hole pick above. What should I stick in?

God damn, that hole looks amazing. I would definitely fill that with cum until you couldn't walk.

Stick around and you can pound me all you want. Tell me what to do daddy.

Shirt behind head?

Just another thing I can’t quickly hide from my gf if/when she walks in

Why does it turn you on?

Fill it papi

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The added risk. Otherwise, it’s super easy to hid everything when she pops in.

What is the biggest thing you've ever had inside of you?
I would love to see anything in there, hairy holes make me so hard, I'm jerking off thinking of fucking you right now. Maybe something like the handle of a PS4 controller set to rumble because that would be funny and hot?

Someone tell me what to put in my asshole!

Why does she care if you’re jacking off?

No ps4 controller... several others, but I’m a Retro game collector. Don’t wanna fuck up my stuff! lol. I can fit most of a fist in.

Doesn’t. But I’m up to some shenanigans. Exhibitionism.

I'd eat you for daya

Do you own any toys or dildos?
Also, since you mentioned the hand stuff, now I want to see that first.

Went with the sega genesis a arcade pad. Joystick makes for a good butt plug!

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One sec. gonna get my fist in :)

Ther ya go

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