How do we solve the angry white male problem?
How do we solve the angry white male problem?
Get rid of all the minorities, duh
At this point, it looks like all we have to do is
It is difficult to suppress White male anger in America, now, with Trump becoming President. It will only rise further, particularly if Trump wins reelection.
Mother's job is done at age 3. Then, father takes over.
> Excellent post, fellow shill. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed!
> 10 cents has been deposited into your ShareBlue™ account!
>giving white men what they want will make them more angry
Rightwing extremists are the nicest people in reality
Fix the economy and education systems so nobody has anything to be angry about.
Start beating their asses, severely. ICU grade beatings. Don't start shit and there wont be shit. When anybody starts getting too cocky they need to be taught about mortality, not as punishment but because or teaches you what's really important. People get arrogant and stupid because they're priorities are disordered and there isn't a body count dissuading them from bad decisions. White right wing men are a few decades removed from being actually threatened. A real threat might finally teach some common sense.
>t. tranny
We gotta make universal healthcare a thing, so they can all get their cheap hormone therapy and become hot fem traps
You sound like a fucking piece of shit democrat.
Quit passing laws that tax us of our rights. End the culture of hating white people for the sake of it. Shrink the government involvement in daily life. If the government wants to be involved so bad, let them fix our shit infrastructure. The roads in michigan are ass and now is the fucking time to be doing construction. Remember the constitution? Stop the police corruption and force them to acknowledge the constitutional rights of Americans. Just a start.
Not an argument, dick socket.
You sound like a chinless emasculated Republican looking for approval.
stop focusing on just them, there are many people groups within america, labling one group as the worst is stupid.
You wanna beat the most readily armed people in the country? Good luck. Enjoy your early grave.
stale copypasta
its one of those few instances were if nobody would fight it so much there wouldnt actually be a problem. the people 'fighting' it produced this because they didnt want to fight the real problems.
also fuck you, you spamming faggot OP.
The punishment and criteria suit you quite well as well as the right wing.
Stale reply
ITT: People who will blame the joos and nogs.
War with China. Creates a new Greatest Generation. We are entering into a depression. War is so seductive when it comes to economic stimulus.
You posted this the other day. You must be bored.
You sound like the type we see getting their shit pushed in on those antifa get owned videos.
I have guns. White republican men don't have a monopoly on force. All you need to buy a gun is a credit card and a clean record, and in a lot of hoods you don't even need those.
Oh look, another one in the soda aisle. This one is dragging its spawn around, one of the minimutts chugging from a 1 gallon bottle of MtnDew(TM) as it is dragged around by its mother. This Aryan, sitting on a mobility scooter, seems to be more docile and less focused on sustenance as its oversized, unwieldy paws flap at an Apple(R) iPad(TM), typing out an unintelligble message on its Facebook Messenger(TM) app. A dripping sound can be heard from underneath the unending bulk of the creature - diabetic urine dripping like honey from the underside of the beast, thickened by the massive quantities of sugar that the Aryan had ingested earlier. Scientists have theorized that this sweetened urine is used to feed offspring in hard times, when no food is available.
How'd they get a picture of elpresador?
>War is so seductive when it comes to economic stimulus.
If you're wealthy that is.
I'd be very interested to know what your carry piece is. I'd also be interested in your training regimen.
I don't start fights I don't need. Right wing men are chronic malcontents. If they don't have anything to beef with you over wait five minutes and they'll find something. They can't even manage to camp out at home for a few weeks with all their prepper gear without calling it "government tyranny" when a fucking plague is going around.
The "anger" part is the key. Some type of emotional pain somewhere down the line is completely ignored, by the person and the public, and it turns into anger.
Changing the average dick size, south park made it pretty fucking obvious
Don't join political clubs. I hate fascists as much as the next guy but I don't need to prove it.
You do realize violence is a tool of poorly thought out ideologies and belief systems, correct? Only when one can't face the scrutiny of criticism do they resort to humankind's more basic inclinations
If there weren't men chopping their dicks off, forcing their bodies to grow tits and letting people fuck their "wives" on top of women now be degraded to common whores for a quick drink at the bar causing a rise in degeneracy, crises of identity, and single parenthood, then idk maybe, JUST MAYBE, there wouldn't be such a vocal and prevalent opposition looking you loons in the face and saying "This is all wrong."
Kill yourself. You're what's holding society back.
>all this is true if you just ignore minorities and their over the top violent crime statistics!!!
I don't carry. I have a pump shotgun loaded with 3 inch 000 buck. I basically to to work and home every day. Carrying a handgun would be a nuisance and pointless because my job has armed security.
lol this is great because faggots that have been in a fight in their lives are really going to try and start shit with rednecks who have cracked more teeth in bar fights than limpdick has ever thrown punches and going going to be beaten to death
>stop taxing us
>fix my roads
Pick one
Culling them and breeding with their women
>t. i, myself, can't get fucked so i'm mad at the way all of you are having sex! it's wrong! SOCIETY IS WRONG NOT ME
I can agree that it's wise to quarantine, but it's politically unsettling to see whitmer just plain old suspend a person's freedoms for any reason. Unfortunately the protest is the most effective way of making the voice of the people heard. Throughout history people taking emergency powers to suspend people's freedoms doesn't end well for that society as a general rule.
Being this obsessed with other people is your problem and an extension of your built in ideological arrogance. You think that because other popular ideologies exist you are in competition and you are entitled to that recognition. Trans people can do whatever the fuck they want. They aren't forcing me to do anything. You are trying to force me to reject them.
Social welfare, UBI, etc.
Agreed. The wealthy have always benefitted from war and they will continue to do so because everyone else obsesses on Racial and Gender SocJus rather than unifying issues such as classism and economic mobility. There is a very good chance that the "I hate White people" or "I hate Black people" posters on this board are upper-middle-class or above in their respective economies. They are most definitely wealthier than the majority of the global population.
That can change very quickly if you aren't careful. Popular right wing targets aren't prone to engaging in violence but that condition isn't necessarily permanent.
Faggots like you carry an iPhone and threaten to record you and report you to the cops and try and present that recording of their colon as evidence in court. Fucking hilarious like the Three stooges with chainsaws
Nah bro, I can, I just don't enjoy meaningless sex. I used to have fun being a homewrecker, because it's too easy to get a girl to cheat on her S/O. I don't care about instant gratification from cheap seduction, but its uncanny how many women equate sex with true love nowadays. Probably because the culture has turned to toxic shit force-fed through our misinterpreted music, biased media, and lack of focus.
But God forbid you go outside of your echo chamber to experience society every once in a while "Mr security guard" lol
Post pics or you're a larping faggot