Is it true? Does he literally want the virus to win?
Is it true? Does he literally want the virus to win?
> Excellent post, fellow shill. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed!
> 10 cents has been deposited into your ShareBlue™ account!
Seems like it. Lets look at some numbers.
8 weeks ago: 0 deaths
7 weeks ago: 9 deaths
6 weeks ago: 31 deaths
5 weeks ago: 111 deaths
4 weeks ago: 704 deaths
3 weeks ago: 3,834 deaths
2 weeks ago: 12,895 deaths
1 week ago: 26,033 deaths
Right now: 45,343 deaths
And that's WITH quarantine/social distancing measures in place. This motherfucker want to end the quarantine. If Trump opens up the country we will easily surpass 100k deaths in a couple of months.
You don't have to participate in society if you don't want to.
The rest of us need to.
Stay home and watch the world burn nigger.
Or not, considering the 0.02% death rate.
You do know that most people have already been exposed to the virus right?
>You do know that most people have already been exposed to the virus right?
Anything is preferable to Trump, rather than actually having to be accountable for his own stupidity
Deaths will be higher in the cities, which tend to lean left.
We have an election this year.
>The rest of us need to.
I wish you luck user. Stay safe.
In spite of your stupidity I will also pray for your safety.
Little do you know, I am posting this from another dimension
At least you are safe.
We don't know how many people have or have had the virus, because trump is too incompetent to get testing up and r running on a national scale. Only states with strong medical universities have been able to perform tests. The rest are fucked. I miss having a competent president.
sure we will survive covid if we never go outside again
but with out work, we will not be able to pay rent or eat
I'd rather risk it with covid. Let darwin choose who lives
it's the way he would have wanted it
That’s not really a conspiracy though. That’s just expected. More dense population, more deaths and infections.
.02 death rate is wrong
Its anywhere from 2% to 5%, on average 3.4% on the higher end the more our systems get stressed as more people get sick and the hospitals can't house them. You are literally suicidal and completely misinformed, people like you are why we have unnecessary deaths
If our government cared about its people, we all would have got a fat check, everything would be shut down completely for two weeks, and the virus would have stopped dead in its tracks. But that didn't happen and we are in this for the long run because of retards like this fucking guy
USC Study that came out.
It also confirms the Cruise Ship statistics that most people who are infected never show any symptoms.
>Doesn't realize we have around 3 million deaths a year in the US alone (about 8,200 a day)
Yet the excess death counts aren't going up, flu related & other respiratory deaths have miraculously flatlined. Really makes ya think huh.
oh and a reminder, if everyone gets the virus, and its mortality rate stays at the average 3.4% - we have 325 million citizens in the US. 3.4% of that is 11,050,000 deaths. Good fucking luck handling that you dumb mother fuckers
based and redpilled.
deaths lag the number of new cases. number of new cases is what matters.
of course there will be secondary outbreaks, as China, Hong Kong, found out. it's inevitable.
it's reasonable to slowly allow certain businesses to reopen and monitor new cases. you can temporarily close down again if cases spike up.
keeping things closed forever isn't an option, either.
Sweet statistical manipulation.
2% of people hospitalized for it die.
Not 2% of people infected.
Conservative infection estimates put the death rate at 0.02%.
so overwhelmed and stressed out OMG I feel so sorry for these heroes that have time to make dance routines
0.02 probability IS 2% you fucking retard. In probability a 1 is a guarantee ie 100%
they lump all deaths with covid right now
you can't die of anything else!
>but with out work, we will not be able to pay rent or eat
Damn, is it really that bad in the US? Not trolling just a curious Canadian. Here in Canada we're gettin EI and CERB payments.
The 1918 influenza, despite the active attempts to suppress news, minimize panic, and the far poorer health care knowledge, still only infected less than 20% of the population.
This ain't the doomsday you've been hoping for. Get over it.
I pay for a lot of sex, that's most of my expenses
ok, and the point is he was wrong, its not 2%
It was a hypothetical to illustrate how many fucking bodies we have to deal with, even with a 3.4% mortality rate, you fucking moron. No one is saying its doomsday, but it IS worth taking seriously
This doesn't even take into account all of the other people failing to get medical treatment and dying that don't have the virus but have other midical issues/emergencies but can't get treated because of how overburdened our system is.
Its going to get worse user
Not 0.02%, you dolt.
It also happened in waves
But it's the trumptards gathering to "protest".
Wait till the second wave hits in fall & winter.
why do you think it's called trump virus? he wants his name attached to everything. he even sues some people when they try to *remove* his name from stuff.
That's literally what they're doing. Hospitals I assume get more funding per Covid death under the current circumstances, so they have to pump those numbers up.
Its funny because the left is always bitching about the healthcare racket, yet are taking this all at face value from the same people & trying to shame those who see what's happening.
This. The regular flu is coming in the winter, compounded by the retards opening their states in the South will mean we will have a hell of a time in the following months
Según el balance global de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, la pandemia deja ya2 millones 501 mil 156 personas contagiadas y 171 mil 810 muertos. El número total de personas curadas asciende 659 mil 732, con Alemania liderando esta tabla con 95 mil 200 personas recuperadas, seguida por España, con 82 mil 514 personas salvadas.
That means there's 2.5 million infected, 660thous cured and 170thous dead. Do your math.
>the left is always bitching about the healthcare raket
You confuse trusting experts and researchers with hating how fucked our health insurance system is, what a strange logic pretzel you've worked your mind into
>Según el balance global de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, la pandemia deja ya2 millones 501 mil 156 personas contagiadas y 171 mil 810 muertos. El número total de personas curadas asciende 659 mil 732, con Alemania liderando esta tabla con 95 mil 200 personas recuperadas, seguida por España, con 82 mil 514 personas salvadas.
>That means there's 2.5 million infected, 660thous cured and 170thous dead. Do your math.
Spanish because there are translators everywhere
deaths aren't a good stat anyway. Unless you're old and weak, you'll be fine
remember in the 1600's when life expactancy was til like 40
in 2020 it's going to be like 65. We had a good run, but darwinism is relevant now.
sorry fat asses
He wants to coronacide himself.