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My bee box (:

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> nector
> bees can't spell one of their most important words
op is i don't believe it to be a bee

Angry wasp noises

>forgets to make more bees
This is why your kind is dying


My girls

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The queen makes the bees you dumb shit, worker bees collect the nectar.

I actually caught a swarm this morning! Im super excited about it. Hive number 2. I've got 3 more empty boxes I need to fill.

you'll get stung to death

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Bees make the world turn bro. Seriously, keep up the good work friend.

We'll I have been stung. And it IS uncomfortable. Not so sure about being stung to death though. Even if I somehow messed up so badly that the whole hive swarmed me "not really how european honey bees operate." I can walk away about 10 feet and they will usually break off the attack. Africanized killer bees on the other hand, you can be 20 -25 feet away and they may get on your case. I don't mess with those boogers.

Reporting in !! BUZZ! BUZZ!

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if i wanted to provide a home for bees but not maintain it would that look like a log hive.

that is the problem sir. if you are not experienced you could end up with killer bees and you might not know until it's too late.


Anything really. As long as it's weather proof and relatively safe from predators (depending on where you live. One thing to be aware of is that eventually (if the hive survives) they will swarm. (Half the hive leaving to start a new hive) and sometimes they will swarm where you don't want them to. Like inside the wall of your home. So keep that in mind.

Assuming I am inexperienced.

>Make money
>Protect wahmen
>feed wahmen (and kids)
>protect household
literally just a male wagecuck, minus the pollinating, which is of vital importance for the terrestrial biosphere

did you ever have a single bee attack?
it happened to me twice, both times chased me down the garden ~50'
one got me as i batted it, the other i killed first

And minus the actually being a man. Lol. You know cause the worker bees a female. And the males (drones) are just penis' that eat and screw all day until winter. LOL.

Ah yes, the original simps

oh yikes i forgot about sofits. protecting against small animal is easy but a bee hive is gonna need something better then chicken wire

Not exactly, I've had some scares. I try to move really slow around the hives. The worst O've had was when I mowed. The forst tome I brought them home. And I got to close to the hives and the vibration pissed them off and so they took to the skies. And attacked me and the tractor. Luckily I had the foresight to put on my suit just in case.

yeah i thought it was weird, usually they completely ignore me, the hive is in my vegs garden.
a single bee ..zzZZZZ ..zzZZZZ at my face and then followed me.
one of them remembered me the next day

They are able to remember faces. I think there was even a study that showed that.

Finally, a bee thread on Yas Forums!
Anyone else think theyr'e kinda cute?

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>killstreak inbound

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that's pretty cool. i consider them as preprogrammed but they can remember.
also checked

All are welcome here bröther

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Bees are adorableeeeee!
Love beekeeping just to watch em (:

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What are the meanest least maintenance stinging insects one could cultivate?
Aliens ruined this for me.

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