Hey Yas Forums to those who are still working during this pandemic, what is your age, job, and pay?

Hey Yas Forums to those who are still working during this pandemic, what is your age, job, and pay?
I'll start.
>Be me
>Stocker at retail grocery store

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> 22
> software eng
> $37/hr


Holy shit, I thought stocks would be a good investment, but now I know where the money is at.

You're joking right?

>average $120 a day

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Yes, I know my dumbass wouldn't be able to achieve the things necessary to become an engineer.

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> 27
> Research Scientist
> 98k/year

Not brown enough?

Rich man, I barely make 50 a day.

Allocator of stock
61k a year AUD. On top of that bonuses of about 10k and super worth about 6k

That, and I'd rather become a teacher. I know that there isnt much money in it, but I've tutored alot of classes in my private school, which I've enjoyed, so I plan on pursuing a career in that. I'm hoping to become a professor in world history.

>air compressor engineer
>sounds low for engineering, but I live in the corn belt and the cost of living is super low. easy job and salary is competitive for the area

I'm 22, no degree, completely self taught. You can do anything bud.

Thank you Yas Forumsro.

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>Chiller Plant Operator / Controls Systems Technician

I'm at a hospital so its a little scary going into work right now but I'm glad to be still working

I'm the air comp. engineer. Teaching is fun, but the shit pay will get to you after a while if you're not tenured/PhD. I did adjunct engineering teaching at a university after I finished my master's for a while because I genuinely enjoyed it, but they paid me like 6k for each term so I gave up after a bit and moved on to industrial stuff lol

>general labor for landscaping company

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28/m, head chef at Wendy's...70k/year plus benefits

Farmfag. Working for $5 an hour shoveling cow shit and feeding pigs. Nothing's really changed.

try working in a wealthier area
I drive south 11 miles to a richer area every day because those people leave better tips
hell i even got a $32 dollar tip today

This will probably derail the thread a bit, but how are things at the hospital, the one in which you work user? Are things as crazy in your area?

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Damn, that is pretty shitty. What about benefits if any?

Water treatment plant operator

I work in a fairly small, but wealthy part of north Carolina, but they dont tip us for shit since we aren't allowed to accept it.

I'm in a large hospital in the Los Angeles area and it's been pretty crazy. We've converted entire floors to negative pressure and the guys built tents outside to contain the overflowing ICU and DOU. I haven't been down there myself but I'm told that there is bodies laying on the floor in the walk in at the morgue because its full. Our morgue is surprisingly small for such a large campus though. The nurses are freaked out and constantly threatening to strike. I can't really blame them because we ran out of most PPE and word is twenty staff members are infected. Everything I know is rumor though because communication from the college degrees in the penthouse has been abysmal.

>aren't allowed to accept tips
who the fuck do you work for?
I would find any other job if i were you tbh

>Field Technician
>$97.50/hr emergency rate
>$150.00/hr fiber rate

Holy fucking shit, I'm certainly glad I haven't been to any hospitals recently.

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I only make 50 usd a day. Fuck my life man.

I work at a company called Lowes Foods. Yeah, I agree. I'm trying to make some profit off of my hobbies.


I mean that's kinda on you. Why don't you get better skills and a better job?

well good luck user
you could donate plama in the mean time if you're short on cash and have freetime
I used too a little but my heart rate is too high do to anxiety and me being a fat fuck.

unless you suck at math then you're fucked

shittier now that meals aren't included like they are when I'm on site

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I'm attempting to at the moment. I'm a senior in high school, so I've been mostly focusing on that. I forge weapons and sell them, so I could definitely profit from that if I put more time and effort into it.

Tax Accountant

True, but I'm going nowhere near somewhere like that. I have a very intense fear of needles.

>Cook at a local pizzeria
>about $12/hr

this is about what i make doing Doordash. Considering you work whenever you feel.

People pay good money for hand-forged knives. Definitely something to consider jumping into fully

>construction firm admin

Where do I begin to learn this?

>Full stack Developer working from home
>99k y