porn/masturbation induces ED. porn website also advertise ED pills. STOP watching porn. They profiteer on your misery. pornhub CEOs are laughing each time you watch a video because they know you are addicted and just wont stop. please stop. i beg you user.
Porn/masturbation induces ED. porn website also advertise ED pills. STOP watching porn. They profiteer on your misery...
but it feels good
i know user. thats why its so hard to stop.
explaining to your wife/gf why you cant get hard does not feel good though..
k ill stop
>should I believe some autist on the internet telling me porn bad or trust the hundreds of scientific studys saying it's fine
explain how hundreds of hours of porn use a year will benefit you.
Im so done that i dont give a shit anymore and its sad.
>I watch hundreds of hours of porn every year so I guess everybody else does the same!
this is just getting sadder by the minute
Not op here buts hes right you fucking virgin faggot moron
Why so angry user? Is it because I have scientific evidence on my side which you lack? African american?
you haven't cited any evidence. imagine defending the porn industry lol
Im not angry im just amazed how fucking stupid this site has become over the years
>i have scientific evidence on my side
This is literaly the dumbest shit ive ever read on this board and thats not a fucking joke lmao
ive quit smoking years ago, and still cant kick a porn habit. shit is hard man
im a fucking degenerate coomer who jerks off every chance I get, averaging twice a day. Like even when im not horny and I have the opprotunity. but I can still get it up twice or 3x in a row for my gf lol. Just gimme 5 minutes between each nut. Explain that, stupid science bitch
And I don't need to. It's common knowledge and (again) has been proven countless times scientifically that porn is fine. Since OP is going against the status quo, the ball his in his court to provide sources :)
Well the only other option is to just hate my simp life and kms in my 30s/40s
or be productive, become a better person and find someone who loves you.
your coombrain is too far gone.
>resorts to name calling
>still not a single source to back up original claim
>can't even capitalize his sentences
>yet I'm too far gone
>calls people nigger
unironically, you did all those too.
the fuck is ED even?
Oy vey, yes goy, stop watching porn and enjoying your life. Porn bad, $500 brand name gym memberships and expensive non-GMO gluten-free fresh farmed steak good. Remember, stay healthy goy
The studies say porn is bad neurologically/psychologically, glow harder fag
Porn is good for you, consume more porn, masturbation increases your immunity against the virus, stay home and pump that cock.
Wrong, the current status quo (because of science) says porn is perfectly healthy. Prove otherwise.
>anti porn shills telling me to glow harder
As a guy who's dealt with his ED his entire life, I can attest to this. I jerked off to cartoon girls with dicks every single night from age 13 to 18. Then I couldn't get it up when I finally got the chance to lose my v card. Five or so years later, I still deal with ED occasionally, especially when I'm on the porn hard.
Just use your brain guys. If you can't get it up just using your imagination you need to take a break otherwise you're going to end up very frustrated and angry with some nice girl in bed you can't have sex with. Shit sucks hard.
You're filled with hate, user, why don't you let porn clean your mind?
Im not going to find your own research for you but it doesnt even take a genius to know in the longrun that shit is bad for your brain, the studies are out there and yeah fucking you pornbased shill im telling you to glow harder because you are either a straight goyim or a conscious degenerate in denial peddling this shit to these other coomer tards
I think ill just have sex later tonight instead kek