Yeah bro I'm so glad we completely fucked the economy for this "pandemic"

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Country responds well to pandemic and stops widespread deaths

Way to go fucking Morons

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Oh whatever man, they didn't stop jack shit in NYC. Now everyone is bitching they don't have enough tests and that's why everything has to stay closed. This is fucking ridiculous now.

Boy this sure was a huge waste of time!
>Gets decimated by round 2

>I have no argument
>Hehe, pwned

So, is this a thread for Americans to spread their *ahem*... "wisdom" or can anyone participate?

There won't be a fucking round 2 you little bitch. Are you also this much of a pussy about the fucking flu?

Sure, we love hearing what smelly foreigners think about normal people countries. Please, go on.

If lashing out online makes you less scared that's probably not the most healthy way to cope with your problems. ;)

I don't need to cope, because this entire thing is turning out to be a complete waste of fucking time. And they wonder why people are protesting this bullshit while the literal brown hoard sits there and says, yee mesta giv mi mo o dat boot 2 lick. Beyond pathetic at this point.

>Please, go on.

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spread the news,its a hoax! THERE IS A CURE! Just take your chloroquine. Eat the slop you dumb fat cow!

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I actually am. This has been a necessary and humbling experience for the American people on the nature of their culture failings. The fact that you do understand modeling or what its for and how its used is a perfect example of what im talking about. Americans are idiots and deserved this completely. Enjoy being overtaken economically by India and China next year. Bad decisions have consequences.

>the death toll isnt super high in the millions like in muh movies and teevee shows
>this event wasnt destructive and dramatic enough so its a waste of time
this is what happens when you raise a country on fantasy stories and your citizens have no base in reality


>i dont understand how public health works so to me this is a waste of time
>someone plz explain everything to me in a way that does not conflict with my half-assed opinions

>Samefagging this hard
It's time for you to go back my friend

By this same logic, niggers and spics deserve this more than anybody, since they're the ones who get infected the most. That's what you're saying right?

It was a fucking waste of time though. That fucking retard Cuomo bitched on and on, wah wah we don't have enough beds where is drumpf wah wah. Then he doesn't even fucking use any of them. Same with the fucking masks, I need more masks where are my faggy masks. Great we got it, now put them in a fucking warehouse. It's fucking ridiculous.

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I'll say it again




>muh Cuomos
Back to infowars with you fag.

Are you fucking retarded? You know Cuomo is a fucking person right?

kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were "innocent" (who is truly innocent, anyway?)
we just want to watch the world burn.

>posting this headline without context
the article clearly talks about how hospitals are still being overwhelmed with cases while this field hospital is sitting untouched because trump tried for so long to prevent these set up field hospitals from taking COVID19 patients.

they had to prepare to have supplies based on the models and projections in place estimating how much equipment they would need, and they of course are generous with their estimations because they want to have the equipment ready in case they get hit hard with a lot of cases. that requires asking for supplies ahead of time and isn't an exact science. do you think that an ICU hospital bed or a ventilator can just be pulled out of someone's ass in 20 minutes when they realize it's needed?

Right, somehow that's on Trump as well. It has nothing to do with them not needing it. But if I were to show you that not one hopistal in NYC has been overrun, I'm sure you'd find a way to turn that around on Drumpf as well right?

No, it's just more political bullshit like always. Now they're complaining we don't have millions of fucking tests for everyone so that's why we have to stay closed, which is ridiculous. We don't even test that many people for the fucking flu but we're suppose to test hundreds of millions for the fucking corona virus, when most people who get it don't even get sick? That's fucking retarded and yet the democrats are actually serious about it.

I wouldn't want to go to a "hospital" with lack of beds or ICU equipment either.

there is no cure for aids or sars.

You know you're allowed to read history and shit too right? Like you don't HAVE to be a cunt you can read a book like the rest of us

>But if I were to show you that not one hopistal in NYC has been overrun
if you have any evidence showing this then show it

>we're suppose to test hundreds of millions for the fucking corona virus, when most people who get it don't even get sick?
yes, because those people who get it and are asymptomatic are going to be the ones who spread it to a bunch of people since they dont realize theyre spreading it. and then someone who is immunocompromised can get sick from them and end up in the ICU or die.

>We don't even test that many people for the fucking flu
if we had a pandemic of the flu going on right now, we'd be testing people for the flu.

Right, so they turned it into a fucking clown circuit, obviously. With ballons and candy and fucking dildos for everyone fucking shows up. You show up with covid-19 you get a fucking dildo and candy and get told to go the fuck home. Anything I'm missing here?


the poor really benefit from this kind of crash

Rediculous cope. You're just triggered dude seriously eat a fucking salad

imagine being such a bootlicker for the 1% that you're willing to die in a pandemic just for "muh economee trickle down on me plz jeff bezos"

Low quality bait

I think you forgot to articulate your argument there bud.

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>"Why exactly do you think keeping the shutdown going is bad?"

>there is no cure for aids or sars.
Okay? Your point?

So if the whole point of doing all this dumb shit is to kill the virus, why the fuck do we need millions of tests? Unless you're going to tell me we CANT kill teh virus, and in fact ALL of this is a complete waste of EVERYBODYS fucking time, and the reality is everyone at some point will get it. In which case you have to wonder what the fuck was the point of doing this bullshit, when not one hospital has been overrun. The only people who have had issues are nursing homes.

Oh yes, muh 1% and jeff bezos. Now please, lick that fucking boot of the government instead. Where is my red hammer flag?

Pick one, faggot.

lol "economy"... you mean the thing the jews made up to control you.

>posting facebook-tier boomer memes

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Nice try rabbi, now tell your fucking pets to get off the fucking porch and go the fuck inside

But they mean the same thing

>kill the virus
so you just don't understand how infectious diseases work then, huh? you don't just "kill" all of the virus; it's going to continue to spread around, infect people and get them sick until a vaccine can be developed, which is going to take at least a year. so until then, yeah, we all stay inside to prevent the virus from spreading more than it already has

>>Gets decimated by round 2
It already went down in round 1, bro

Dont speak for me faggot.