Cat pictures

Cat pictures

Here's my cat Koshka. Her sister is Gadzooks - the afraid one. Koshka is too oblivious to be scared of anything. How much of their personality can you see in these pictures?

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Here's Gadzooks looking thicc (and scared of course)

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This is Koshka as I always imagine her; limbs randomly sticking out of fuzz

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Here's Gadzooks in manatee mode

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Here's Gadzooks, her tongue and a peacock feather

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Koshka being herself

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Gadzooks looks like a special cat, does she like to sleep with you

Only sometimes, and right next to my head, and if I move too much she zooms off and sleeps under the bed instead.

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Awesome cats, user.

10/10 cat
but, didnt gadoohst meant something like filth, why would you name your cat filth ???

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Fact: Gadzooks is a thicc orb
Fact: Gadzooks loves ham and cheese (but we never feed it to her anymore)
Fact: Gadzooks eats her sister's unfinished meals daily

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It's a silly exclamation originating with the phrase "God's hooks" in the 1600s. No dirty connotations as far as I know. Also, that's one comfy looking cat.

Pictured is Koshka

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Ty. I love them and want them to be happy. Occasionally gadzooks develops non-recognition aggression and they get into screaming kill fights if we don't keep them separated for days. We have no idea what starts it. I'm getting PTSD flashbacks thinking about those screams. And the piss cleaning.

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If they grow up as kittens together it's easier

They did. So you're saying if they didn't grow up together, dealing with non recognition aggression would be way harder?

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if you'd get a visitor they dont know, which one will approach first?

>not fed a little bit a salami

Here's Gadzooks with her favorite thing. String cheese. She comes running if she hears a wrapper open

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that sucks. cats can be total dicks sometimes.
but at least they're fun. mine's making hilarious yodeling noises before throwing up on people she doesnt like.

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Koshka by a million. Gadzooks might show up if she's really hungry and we're by the food bowl but otherwise she makes herself unseen.

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My wife's vegetarian now so we never have lunch meat or anything. But thankfully we something give her string cheese.

Pictured is Koshka. She likes being outside, but she's an indoor cat so we use a harness. She's never tried escaping.

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Sounds priceless

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lazy box kitty reporting in!

(Misu, 6 years-old female)

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t h e z o o k

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Here a little bit more awake

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Both my cats like boxes, but Koshka much moreso. She jumps in and out of them over and over. Gadzooks looks to just hang out in boxes or in the bathtub. She once slept in an uncomfortably small shoebox for like 6 hours for no reason.

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I love tuxedo kitties. Yours looks like one that wanders into our yard and freaks out our cats when they're looking out the window. I hear they can be troublemakers too

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10/10 wholesome post. Beautiful kitty cats.

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Beautiful greyfurs!

Yeah, she's a little autistic asshole, but OUR autistic asshole. Beautiful but dumb :D

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