Yas Forums is looking pretty mediocre rn and could use some lightning up...

Yas Forums is looking pretty mediocre rn and could use some lightning up, let's do something epic as a community to get shit going, any ideas?

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Everyone here just cooms now


Pixelcanvas io again perhaps

Some kind of Covid 19 hoax would be sweet.

We could solve the Wuhan Flu. That would cheer people up

More cyber bullying it’s like a fucking summer fest in here at the moment
Genuinely way too many coomers as well

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We could start some dumb trend like the one where everyone started shaving their head for Justin Bieber.

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You are a wise man. Can we all make posts with different hoaxes and see what catches on?

Yas Forums is dead, son.

What kind of rumors could possibly be spread that wouldn't be brushed off as a conspiracy theory?

I got one, so rember the guy who keeps talking about his dumbass Corombies Series shit?

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Why doesn't Yas Forums stage a mass cooming?
It would be like a protest march, except it's a bunch of Yas Forumstards descending on public parks like a horde of locusts, wanking it and cooming all over everything. Just think about it for a minute.

Yas Forums being dead is what makes it I would argue

They can’t arrest us all

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>As a community
>Fap factory of spergs, autists, and Elon Musk watch wearers

I support this, we could make some twitter hashtag

Reporting in, what’s the mission lads?

The point when Yas Forums turned into a literal circle jerk coom factory was the point when it would never again accomplish anything great.
This place is dead now.

What about making a hashtag like #takingrainbowback? Show them that we don't rainbow being a lgbt symbol.

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since no real raiding on here... not shit to really do.

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it's funny. been a on and off user of Yas Forums for years but even I've noticed the drop of quality. But I also have a real life so I don't care what happens to this fucking board lol rest in pepperoni faggots.

Roger. Where? What are we making it stand for?

I bring you the Yas Forumsee from /bant/

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Do you guys wanna shit on the coomer threads and try and bring back the good christian board that is Yas Forums ?

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maybe something about choice. the rainbow shouldnt be forced to a symbol for lgbt

Twitter. I suggest putting Trump or someone whom the gays hate next to it kek.

Maybe attack some lgbt stuff claiming to be for trump?
We take the rainbow back

This could work. maybe it could be something like #RainNo

Might as well make it religious

Maybe do anything with it? So we will show that it isn't just a lgbt symbol.

I’m for RainNo that sounds PR as fuck

We should get people to want to lick other people's buttholes. Oh wait...

Yeah, but we want to make it seem like we're on the side of the queers. If we make it religious then people will assume it's the whole "God hates fags" mentality and brush it off as another fascist takeover instead of a troll