Post your face and get rated
Post your face and get rated
You look like a
ok, thanks user
I'm a solid 2/10
yes you are
I'll bite.
5/10, average. That is an extreme angle though so it's hard to say.
You're hiding a lot of your face but you're definitely not a 2/10. That's a nice jacket by the way, where did you get it?
It's from Jack&Jones i believe, really goes well in combination with a hoodie
I’m druvk as fuc k
Nice, I'll have to see if I can get myself one. I'd say you're above average, you've got a charm about you and a nice smile. Bit soft looking but you could probably just lose some weight and I'd go a little easier on the hair (less height, not so crazy) but that's personal preference.
That pic is a bit old, i lost some weight and usually cut my hair short, this one was an exception. Started hitting up the gym more often aswell.
Dont have to be a genius to know that everyone will look like a faggot
Look like the money grabbing Jew meme
Dress like a 12 yo
Look like a trap, stop drinking soy milk
Uglier chin than expected, you smile like Wallace from Wallace and gromit
You look like asex offender and that beard doesn't hide your formless face
and isn't it interesting after all that you didn't post a photo of your own ugly face. kek
I think we're all ugly in this thread so I don't stand out
The discoloration is kind of a turn off, but the chest and head look attractive (minus the filter)
Based. A chiselled face would do you a lot of favours I reckon. Also a beard might work for you.
I don't drink soy milk but thanks for the advice user.
Most degenerate looking person so far, looks like you have the same type of fucked up mouth/jaw as h.p. Lovecraft.
No doubt you have fucked dental hygiene.
if man 8/10
u look very good dude
> look like a sex offender
Not a registered. One
>if man
God im getting roasted here
We can still see your fat bulging around your mask
You look like if Dennis the menace was a Minecraft character
look like luka magnotta
kinda hot no homo
look like shia labeouf