How do we stop islam and save the white race?

how do we stop islam and save the white race?

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By pointing out that it is a religion.

Looks like a 70yo Bryan Cranston

I don't like it but I think that Islam (the muslims) doesn't want to destroy the white race. At least it want them to become muslims.
Only one religion and/or ethnical group might want to destroy white people, I guess that Yas Forums knows it's not Islam.

Looks 85+ for sure.


More neck tattoos

Not all countries that have Islam are against the white race, but nuking Mecca would unite them against the white race forever. Wars for hundreds of years. Sounds like something an Incel would post.

>Not all countries that have Islam are against the white race, but nuking Mecca would unite them against the white race forever. Wars for hundreds of years. Sounds like something an Incel would post.

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Ignorant incel

Destroying their dumb meteorite into nothing would be funny

Nuke Mecca

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Jews are the only problem in this world
Muslims are just rats

Ehm, except you're all fucking stupid. Firstgo back to pol you fucking dick sucker, and get off Yas Forums, you dont belong here. Second implying retards believing in a man that split the moon in half has any more effect on the world than retards beliving in a god who sends people to hell because he wants them to love his son, who also happens to be himself. Everything is to do with conditioning and culture which differs country to country, area to area, even family to family. Ive met muslims and jews who are completely normal well adjusted people, ive met christians who are bat shit insane and borderline dangerous. Its called extreamism retard and it exists in any religion, and sometimes thats not a prerequisite. they're not as a whole trying to wipe out your precious "white race" i mean seriously why do you even care, even if that was the case youd be dead long before that happened. Stop being so insecure about your tiny dick and get the fuck over race bating yourself all day. Jesus, what a fucking dumb ass.

Just have white babies and shut the fuck up, faggot.

Ok Kike. What if I telle you that " they're not as a whole trying to wipe out your precious "jewish race" i mean seriously why do you even care, even if that was the case youd be dead long before that happened. Stop being so insecure about your tiny dick and get the fuck over race bating yourself all day"
You agree ?

you dont

Nice try, im not jewish retard, your just an assumtuous racist peice of shit. Seriously, just ficking hang yourself or cut your wrists or something, do the world a favor. Jesus what a little copy pasting race bating bitch boy. Cuck newfag detected.

Go away with your neonazi propaganda.
Nobody wants this shit here anymore.

I don't give a shit if you are jewish or not, you racist deepshit. I juste want to know If you agree or not.

come up with a more aggressive religion. the Fighting Jesus. takes no shit from anyone. he comes not to bring peace, but a sword.

return to actual paganism (not new age bullshit)

Jews are the enemy, muslims have a lot more in common with your values than kikes than just want everything for themselves.
Arab sell their oil. Jews control banks, diamond trade, media etc... And keep the rest down

Islam is just taking advantage of a dying civilization, the demise brought about by progressivism, feminism and huge overbearing governments. Islam is simply filling the void of the West

ok boomer

Nothing wrong with Islam. I have fuck all to do with it ever and they have fuck all to with me

we need the kikes and the islams to fight each other, then we gas the lot of em on the battlefield

14 words

Nah christians and Muslims should join forces and destroy the jews so that we can both be free. At least Muslims would respect treaties unlike kikes who fuck you over every chance they get

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>At least Muslims would respect treaties
shit skin lies
you goat fuckers respect nothing, and have absolutely no honor

Yeah yeah jewboy I've heard it all before. At least muslims don't have a monopoly on media and banks to control countries. Of course you'd be afraid to go against your jew overlords

im no filthy kike

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Yeah you're worse, you're a kike slave. Sustained on bbc interracial porn and fake worthless paper money. Even your enemies are chosen by them.

youre not even on the right track sand nigger, but its fun watching you drop spaghetti everywhere