Ask autopsy technician anything

Ask autopsy technician anything

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how bad was the condition of the worst body you’ve ever seen?

also what’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen done to a body?

Have you fuck a corpse?

did you ever got hard because of a hot dead girl?

In the worst condition mostly were people from the car crash accident

Honestly, yes

Is it true dead guys get small erections cause of rigormortis?

why are most of these questions so sexual. am i the only one genuinely interested in this?

anyway, how long have you been an autopsy tech for? what was the training you had?

Have you ever known anybody you had to work on?

Did you have any Corona patients? How do you get rid of those?

Once I had one man who lived in the same street where I live

For about 6 years. First u study medical college than you have specialisation as final phase

Strangest thing you’ve found inside a body?

His own dick.

Broken dildo in one girl's womb

Was that the cause of death?

Have you disected niggers?

Heroin overdose

you said autopsy technician but why do you need 6 years of medical school to do that does it mean you are a doctor?

No niggers in my country


can you describe the situation?

I mean in some detail, not
> hot dead girl on the slab
> erection

ok but why are you a technician in that case, why aren't you a 'jr dr in pathology' or some shit like that?

how long would the dildo have been there? (I mean.. all the way inside the womb seems somewhat extreme..?)

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Of course it is extreme; it's a fabrication. A dildo would never be able to get that far up... Human anatomy doesn't work like that.

Do you ever eat something while working? xD

yeah but BBC tho?

Damn. Thank you for the response.

Now what’s the most brutal thing you’ve seen while doing an autopsy? Like multiple lacerations, severe burns, torture. What’s the worst you’ve seen (hopefully nothing that involves children).

Yeah massive dicks don't go all the way into a fucking womb, you invalid. There gets to a point where whatever is going up there will hit the vaginal wall because the opening to the uterus is not big enough for ... Anything to get up there really. The vagina is also very stretchy hence childbirth.

>being this much of a virgin
>doesn’t know anything other than porn

Is Cadaveric spasm common in humans and have you seen it? if so did it freak you out?

this is bullshit though, if the baby can get through the vagina and the uterus then everything else can do the same

how big was the biggest pp u ever saw?

>(hopefully nothing that involves children)

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have you ever kept a souvenir?

You stupid fuck. The cervix dialates during childbirth, that's what contractions are and why women look like they're in so much pain. The cervix isn't going to dialate and let a dildo through under normal circumstances.