When the (((vaccine))) for (((COVID-19))) finally arrives, and we're all forced to take it or lose out on (((essential services))), what will be the best way to remove the (((nanochips))) the (((vaccine))) contains, that will keep us tracked for (((easy contact))) and (((reliability)))? Do you think a standard defibrillator will work? Or will something more extreme be necessary?
When the (((vaccine))) for (((COVID-19))) finally arrives...
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Hold the vaccine within 10 cm of a 5G tower for 30 seconds.
I'm thinking electronic money will be installed at some point. World wide electronic money. One world currency that is very easily manipulated and your access can be turned off
OP is a (((faggot))).
Fuck off back to ((())). Thanks.
No vaccines soon antibody tests will prove 100% of people that have it are immune and its not as harmful as we first thought. Its just a cold virus. It was the fact that it hit at the same time as the flu this year that made it appear so deadly.
Jesus fuckn christ in a gaybar you idiots are fuckn retarded.
Yas Forums? this is an /x/ level tard
(((Try))) (((killing))) (((yourself)))
Yas Forums deserves ***all*** the parentheses
>Yas Forums
>out of absolutely nowhere!
Be careful. You'll end up like me and so many others here, as the evidence piles up in front of you. I was a shitposter when I first came to Yas Forums for some "epic Nazi trolling" and, within a year, found I agreed with about half of what was discussed. By the end of the second year I was indistinguishable from the rest.
The terrible truth of Yas Forums is that it's as liberating as it is horrific.
You lie to yourself less, but you begin refusing to accept the lies from others - even well-meaning others. Your personal relationships with the few people you can stomach to be around, will suffer and degrade under the stress of the constant need to suppress your power-level. In the truth you'll be sickened at the world, yet constantly drawn to seeking this same truth. It's a counter-"hugbox".
Yas Forums is the Hurt Box.
Instead of locking out reality in your "hugbox" like a progressive, you'll force yourself into this hurt-box on a regular basis. Yas Forums is a self-inflicted and intellectual masochism, as the price of placing the truth above all else.
You could have prevented this.
This nigger gonna look stupid as soon as he realizes that people who already had it are becoming reinfected. But he won't accept it because he is dumb as a bag of Trumps.
mass self-delusion
>recognizing pattern after pattern after pattern
>"it's purely coincidence" is really conspiracy
>"mass self-delusion"
Oh, Jew!
>Implying you can only catch a cold 1 time
Uninformed Fox news watching idiot, it's not just flu, ffs, you Americans are soo stupid
>pattern after pattern
Sounds related to schizophrenia
They don't need to do that, because all we retards have smartphones, and computers that already give our every move so.. why bother?
Not to ad hominem, but you're a fucking retard if you think being vaccinated will be a requirement to do business physically.
That's way on down the line if it's even possible.
Post proof.
Sounds like you may be from the USA. Well, here is your dose of reality. Nanochips cost money. Your healthcare system is far too busy trying to lay waste to the lower 98% and I doubt you'd even get a bandaid after the shot if they thought they could get away with not giving you one. So NO. Nobody in their right mind would waste money on you, when there is already a beautiful wage slavery system in place.
OP might be onto something
Let rednecks and Fox News followers die from it.
oops *)*)*)__((((((((
>pattern after pattern after pattern
you mean confirmation bias
The flu, we have vaccines. This virus spreads 10 times as fast with no vaccine. Do you understand what exponentially means? You're seeing that in the US. Your government has been pathetic in its response and Orange Man is doesn't give a fuck, hes all about re election. You really its business as normal in two weeks? Ffs, look at the rest of the world and you'll realize you're nowhere near the end, your ride has only just begun
>You really its business as normal in two weeks?
For areas that aren't hot spots, yes. The economy has to keep moving and the show has to go on, end of. This whole "shelter in place" scenario that we're all living is to both buy time for a vaccine and to keep hospitals from being overrun. There's no sense in shutting down areas that aren't hot spots, and if they do become a hot spot, shut that area down while keeping the rest open.
That's what we'll be seeing from here on. Places of the US being shut down for a few weeks while the others remain open, while social distancing will remain a constant until this is all over.
Blah blah blah CNN shill with your death numbers OOOOOO look at the numbers. You are shilling for ratings. Nobody is buying it anymore you should really move on to something new you're losing viewers fast.
Patterns, bub. I can tell you were schooled using Common Core. Comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?
Vaccines take years to develop. I cant wait for you to open up and see the death toll escalate. You guys have failed in this whereas youre supposed to lead, but your Republicans are incompetent leaders
Im guessing the cyberpunks will set up black markets for the undesirables eventually with hackers an sheeit
I don't care what CNN says, the utter worst is Fox. Spreading lies and misinformation, just like your president
>You guys have failed in this whereas youre supposed to lead
I can't tell if you're trolling or if you're serious, and that's pretty fucking sad. That not withstanding, I did not say anywhere that COVID would disappear overnight, the timeline of a vaccine or that the death toll will remain as low as it is. All of these things go without saying.
Stay on topic.
Only Europe would be dumb enough to enter into a unified currency. US Russia China would never do that because it would devalue everything if every banana republic went in on it