Are fetuses "parasites" or are liberals just that depraved?

Are fetuses "parasites" or are liberals just that depraved?

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A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. So yes. Fetuses are parasites. So are southerners since they are all on welfare and children.

The one on the left is pretty cute

Womp womp womp

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Did you just say 'womp womp'? DID YOU JUST SAY 'WOMP WOMP'??? HOW DARE YOU????? HOW ABSOLUTELY DARE YOU?!?!?!?!

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So immigrants can be removed with violence, as they are parasites of the nation.


Liberals aren't that depraved, but crazy people are

Democrats are parasites.

Bullets are the cure.

No human being can ethically be forced to let someone else use their body, even to stay alive.

If you’re dying of kidney failure, you don’t have a right to my kidney, even if it’s required to save your life. Funny thing - even parents aren’t required to donate organs to their children! So a full grown child isn’t “entitled” to his parent’s organs, but a clump of poorly differentiated stems cells is? Weird!

That’s what “my body, my choice” means. It’s not saying that the fetus is part of your body, it’s saying that you have a right to decide how your body is used. If your body is being used as life support for a fetus, it’s your right to say you don’t want that any more.

im about to do a later term abortion on her parasitic ass.

That sign would be better for some refugee rally not some abortion shit

If a fetus is a "parasite", then why haven't we expelled all Jews to Israel?

Right on ugly ladies!

Right on douche OP!

My hope is that everyone over 75 is aborted.

bad goy

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i'm not responsible for the actions of evil people. i just don't want my tax dollars paying for it. stay out of my wallet bitch.

>protesting illegals
>makes it about abortion to "prove a point"


>black = native
Wompitty womp

They are just depraved and trying to be shocking for attention.

For the longest I used to be pro-choice but those people went way too far a long time ago. Fuck those people. They are bad people with evil in their hearts.

I’ve worked in women’s healthcare. In many areas, planned parenthood is the only affordable women’s health clinic in town. You always hear “planned parenthood does more than just abortion!” But you probably don’t know what that means. One really important part is prenatal care. When a woman is pregnant, she needs regular checkups with an obstetrician to make sure the pregnancy isn’t killing her and her baby is healthy. Pregnancy is a dangerous time for child and mother, and it’s very dangerous if you’re poor.

When you defund planned parenthood, you end up with huge numbers of poor women in rural/underserved areas with no prenatal care. This makes the rate of birth defects, complications, and child/maternal death skyrocket in that area.

If I'm dying of kidney failure, I don't have any right to your kidney, even if it will save my life. But you don't have the right to murder me because you won't give me your kidney. I have the right to live until the small chance that another person offers their kidney presents itself. That is the main difference. A person without a kidney has choices. They can wait, and hopefully have a chance at life. A fetus cannot wait for another chance at life. It must grow in the womb or it will die. No human can ethically choose to remove another persons life as a matter of convenience. The fetus did not make the choices that are responsible for its existence. The parents did. Choices have consequences. And just because you don't like those consequences doesn't mean you get to end a life. You don't even need to raise the child afterwards. The child does not have the right to caring parents. But it does have the right to live.

fuck off to /pol

Which is pretty scummy. You make an organization which provides necessary, uncontroversial services, then attach baby killing to it so you can't eliminate the baby killing or else you're causing the other problems you listed. It's why I hate that argument. There is no reason planned parenthood needs to preform abortions at all. And yet...


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>No human can ethically choose to remove another persons life as a matter of convenience.
/thread do realize that no part of that argument makes any sense, right? Your statements aren’t following any logic.

You conjuredthe concept of murder out of thin air, assuming your own conclusion. You ignore the core argument in favor of going into details about kidney-specific transplants that are irrelevent to the case. Also, no one makes the choice to have organ failure - that statement is also irrelevant.

That’s not what happened, and it’s dishonest to imply that.

What actually happened is they originally tried to offer “abortion-less” services a few decades back. That wasn’t good enough for the conservative politicians, who made more demands - the bigs ones being no teaching sex ed to girls under 18, no giving out condoms, and no providing birth control services. Some locations even did this and MORE demands were met. Some of them were completely ridiculous - one state tried to make it so a husband had to be present in the office. Under pain of defunding of course.

They decided “fuck you, we’re not gonna play your bullshit game. We’re going to do what the studies show is best for the population, not what Republicans wish for.”

why is a fetus a person?

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the right can't meme


>We’re going to do what the studies show is best for the population
Just stop.

I just downvoted your comment