Okay guys, this game has been noodling around in my head since I first played it 8 years ago

Okay guys, this game has been noodling around in my head since I first played it 8 years ago.

I absolutely love it, it's an absolutely beautiful game with thought provoking themes.

My main question is, why exactly are the events taking place in the first place? From what I understand, Booker is more or less sent to the future to stop himself and save Elizabeth?

I pretty much understand everything in the meat of the story. I've even connected the dots between Infinite and the original. But I just can't wrap my head around why (or more specifically, how) we're in the boat with the Letuce twins from the start.

Please help me.

Attached: giphy.gif (245x150, 999.36K)

I don't know but just played it myself. Such a gorgeous game.

IIRC old booker betrays the twins and so they mastermind the causality loops that lead to the player version of booker rampaging through reality.

So the twins are the people he owes the "debt" to??

remember the coin flip scene, that chalkboard gives us a minimum count of how many bookers they went through.

in a literal sense they bought his debt to get his kid to try weird stuff to.

in the narrative sense he owes a debt to baby Liz for selling off her future.

Oh fuck... yes!
Haha man what other fuckign details like that have concrete meaning to them??

So they wanted her because they knew she would have that power? Or does the power come from her being separated at the finger between tears?

>Letuce twins
There are no twins: there is a 'he' that found a way to find his 'she' counterpart in another timeline that he was able to rip her out from there, since then, they work 'together' but in reality, they are the same person.

{bring us the girl} and [wipe away the debt]
{set her free} to [make up for imprisoning her]

....and down the rabbit hole you go. :P

I played it ans finished recently but It doesnt take place in the future but in a different dimension in which Booker accepted the baptism rather than reject it at the last second resulting in Comstock. Elizabeth is his daughter who developed her ability through her pinky being cut off in his dimension resulting in her existing in two dimensions at once. Booker wanted to get his daughter back but because he transfused into another dimension he made new memories. In order to stop Comstock from existjng he sacrifices himself so that he drowned instead. However in the DLC 1 Comstock survived but felt guilt since baby Elizabeth was decapitated and decided to send himself to Rapture to forget. Elizabeth gets him killed but dies herself survives because of her quantum superposition but sacrifices it for Sally ans that leads to where she gives Atlas the trigger phrase for Jack.

accurate, but its just faster to say twins, and a touch less spoilery if you dont know who your audience is.

Okay, so the main string puller, or atleast the person who set the events into motion are the Letuci?

I see it that way. the classic trope of 'scientist finds useful pawns to get them resources'

stopped playing after i couldnt throw the apple at the race mixers.

Fuck man if that's the case I understand it 100% more than I did 10 minutes ago.

Wow, a meaningful thread.. atleast for me

You just wanna fuck Elizabeth

congratulations edgy McEdgelord

Found the libcuck

why give the choice and then take it back? what a fucking cunts.

an entire narrative arc of the story is that some 'choices' actually are not and are fixed points in the universe. "there's always a lighthouse, there's always a man."

Dont care just wanted to throw an apple at the nigger.

Attached: 190451 - 3D Bioshock Bioshock_Infinite Blender Elizabeth comandorekinsfm.png (1280x720, 947.88K)

It does take place in the future, for a moment. Booker is briefly in 1983, New York. And in the DLC, it's a different Comstock, one that ended up with a decapitated Anna instead of one missing a fingertip.

Rapture is also the future.

You've got it backwards. Female Letuce was the one who figured out how to rip open dimensional rifts because she was bitter about not having have equal to fuck. If you notice, she casually flirts and hits on Robert frequently and he shuts her down.

The twins need her to be the variable in their causality loop, thereby trapping the constant, Booker, in what is functionally purgatory. And endless cycle he cannot break.

Attached: 136057 - 3D Bioshock Bioshock_Infinite Duraboworld Elizabeth Source_Filmmaker.jpg (2500x1406, 851.96K)

It is still fucking hilarious to me that the sfm porn of Elizabeth actually triggered Ken Levine and he said it was like watching his daughter do porn.

Attached: 179665 - 3D Bioshock Bioshock_Infinite DoctorProxy Elizabeth Source_Filmmaker lordaardvark.png (780x780, 661.46K)

Pffft. Who didnt?

They could have given her a better death that just a bump on the noggin. Even Daenerys death was more dramatic