I’d you could fuck just 1, which would you choose? Teachers edition

I’d you could fuck just 1, which would you choose? Teachers edition

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I have pics and videos of my stuck up bitch milf ex. Dumb unaware bitch thinks this was all deleted. Upscale bitch would be so fucking humiliated if anyone saw her naked and with a cock in her mouth and cunt and taking loads to her face. Kik me at sunnymanner for everything and tell me where you are posting and sharing the bitch

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so hot


Hard choice. Probably left

Best teacher ever



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shes thiccer


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Unless you have naked pictures don't waste our time. These pics are gay as fuck and samefagging doesn't make it any more convincing.

After seeing this pasta a thousand times, I've finally decided. Middle.

What are their IGs?

miss syd obviously


You ever sniff any of their used panties?

Syd on left

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got anything new?

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nice. she's lovely

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Any pics of them wearing nylons?

how many you have?

A bunch

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should dump them all somewhere!

was thinking left but then center just edged it, think she would be hotter minus the specs


Why would I want to be around women constatnly around kids, imagine how often she'd be stressed/sick. Fuck that noise.