This is the end

this is the end.

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on the bright side i was able to sell my turnips in animal crossing at 216 bells each!

Your graph is unintelligible, OP.


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Oh no, gas is affordable. Get fucked OP.

And fuck self entitled oil field workers

no, it only shows that people don't have where to store more oil

shows that the re-election of tump died.

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I'll give you a roll of triple ply for a jerry can of 94 octane

until next month dumbass.

For Saudis hopefully

done deal

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nice man, proud of you bud

lube is free now?

I waited until it hit $4.00/barrel and put $2000 into oil ETFs. Watch this shit pop back up to $10/barrel by tomorrow's market open. Shit is so manipulated these days there's no way they're going to let it sit down there for long. PPT to the rescue! YOLO.

bone black recommend me to buy shares of texaco?

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why would it shoot up tomorrow?
im waiting for some gains first to dump money

West Texas oilfield fag here. Things will be fine. The oil business is a tough one. The price will be back up to $40 in May. Enjoy cheap gas while you can get it.

I'm not touching oil producers or sellers. Most of them can't make a profit with prices this low and it's going to be a while before they come back up to the $50-$75 range. They'll get bailed out so they survive, but I won't risk investing in them until the economy gets back on track, if it ever does.

PPT always jumps in on the overnight, around 2:00-3:00 EST. Plus the Saudis, Russians, et. al. are going to be working the phones like crazy as soon as they wake up and I'm sure that some kind of deal to prop up the markets will be announced and on the table before the US even wakes up.

Just my opinion, not investment advice, etc... etc...$2000 is like buying a scratch-off lotto ticket for me. If I lose it all I laugh and move on with my life, but if it turns into a ten-bagger I get to brag about my luck.

I don't think so, Cletus. Better hope that Burger King uniform still fits.

And yet still unintelligible.

>this is the end.
Unlikely. But I can dream.

>Your graph is unintelligible, OP.
>And yet still unintelligible.

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>the actual state of America
Holy fuck you burgers have truly destroyed yourselves haven't you?

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>cheap gas
as if they are going to lower pump prices just because their raw material costs have plummeted. This is where they will report record profits for the quarter.

Its time to accept the electric economy and move on. Oil is like stagecoaches, only 70+ year old people still think its viable

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>le epic jew line

who fucking cares

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You know this affects you too, dumbass

>as if they are going to lower pump prices just because their raw material costs have plummeted. This is where they will report record profits for the quarter.

before the fake pandemic i was paying 3.55 a gallon. today it's 1.75, sorry to burst your bubble.

You don't know the half of it. Fuckers are prolonging the plague by running out and infecting each other. Economy is imploding. Soon the food shortages will hit. Then the food riots will start. Then who the fuck knows what will happen.

I'd be worried if I were you fuckers from away. Imagine what's gonna happen to the rest of you once a bunch of petty American warlords get their hands on our nuclear missiles.

Are you literally retarded or just not old enough to drive?
I just gassed up today for 1.63/gallon, you utter donut

oilfags on suicide watch

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No, not really. For some reason burgers seem to think that every other nation's economy depends on them for life and death. It doesn't. If your country continues to sink into oblivion under your moron leader we'll all adapt and do just fine. Although it'll be a lot less entertaining not being able to watch Trump assrape your country every day.

>petty American warlords get their hands on our nuclear missiles
Um, you have one of those already, in the present tense, right now.

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One of those. Just one. Imagine every two bit shitbird across the fucking country setting himself up as a little tyrant dictator. Imagine if ISIS formed around the largest nuclear stockpile on the planet. Imagine 30 different fundamentalist christian terrorist organizations who've raided any of the innumerable nuclear missile sites in the country.

Trump is restrained because he's focused upon his TV ratings and nothing else.