Hello Yas Forums this asshole molests Children someone know him so he can get burned ?
Hello Yas Forums this asshole molests Children someone know him so he can get burned ?
Yeh. It`s Jeff. I usually meet him on "Molest a child day" every year. He`s a fun guy.
You know Jeff too? He’s hella good at making sleepy time milkshakes!
Loving children is completely normal.
This is a terrible accusation where’s your proof?
It's my uncle jeff!!
Looks like Uncle Jeff.
No never had the milkshakes. I`m lactose intolerant.
You are Bill then?
that's Jeff
5 Ws
Need to be filled in here about this guy.
I'm looking for Joe. Anyone seen Joe?
Hey it’s Jeff! He plays a mean game of poker.
Oh yea.. Jeff.. great bb sitter.. kids are always bathed and sleeping when we get home from bingo..
Ah, thats Jeff. Haven't seen that lil bastard since grade school. Hope hes doing well nowadays.
Fuck off moralfag
1. Who is Jeff?
2. Why is Jeff?
3. When is Jeff?
4. Which one is Jeff?
5. What is Jeff?
Glad I could help.
Fuckin Jeff. That bastard still owes me $20
If you have proof of this, you need to contact the FBI. Don't trust your local police department. Local PDs are notoriously inept. Contact the FBI directly if you're able. We need to get these sick bastards locked away.
Edgy degenerate fuckstain
I don’t drink them either, I always pass out before the kids show up
These guys molest children, too.
A couple more child molesters for you right here, fam.
>Contact the FBI directly if you're able
You ever try that? They don't even answer their phones.
I don't think so, show some proof.
Fucking Jeff still hasn’t paid me back for renting my kids
Yes, I remember. Jeff took this picture.
Thank you /b
Best bread in ages
Jeff used to babysit me. He made the best milkshakes. I'd always get tired after and fall asleep. Usually I'd wake up with a sore bum. Never understood why. There was always sticky stuff all over me too. Probably from the milkshake.
post vids as proof, I dont believe you
That’s why you don’t get anymore milkshakes
I just like kids and milkshakes you guys aren’t invited to the next NAMBLA meeting!
That's right. Milkshakes give me a sore bum.
Listen kid we told you to tell people that you took a big poop, kinda fucking this up bud
How big is that beard on you're neck?
You can't disinvite me, it's at my house.
What's your National Association of Marlon Brando Look Alikes member #?
I wonder whatever happened to Jeff? I miss our visits.
It`s over 9000