ITT quotes that changed your life

ITT quotes that changed your life
>"The quintessentiality in the vicissitude of life experiences is bound by inherent conspicualities of the transcendental man brought upon by the legion of visionaries that bring about grandiose hubs of internalised sophistry"
-Vakhtang "Terry" Gutierrez

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Brevity is the soul of wit.

-your mom, keys faggot

"I Googled that quote and this page was the only result. You lie. Why you lie?"

-Albert Jewstein

Cuck my ass breed bitch - Lord Satan

“it’s just a prank bro”

-Dylan and Eric, 1999

>"The quintessentiality in the vicissitude of life experiences is bound by inherent conspicualities of the transcendental man brought upon by the legion of visionaries that bring about grandiose hubs of internalised sophistry"

"I don't hate all Americans, just the kikes and niggers."
-Epic Beard Man

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Ikr? What the fuck does that mean?

"Why did Jews ruin Dasein?"
-Heinrich Hidenigger

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"In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence"

Understanding the meaning of this quote is what separates the men from the cucks. Go back to tumblr, little man.

So intellectual

It sucks to suck - Friend of mine.

Nothing has been truer than that statement.


“I have a dream”

-Martin Luther King Jr


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translation: "i'm a pretentious hippster, kill me now"

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Serious favorite quote inbound:
>”Violence is the the last refuge of the incompetent.” -Isaac Asimov (Foundation series)

>the perfection in the negative changes of life experiences is bound by expectedly discernible of the man's spirit brought upon by the large amount of visionaries that being about impressive hubs of connected fallacies.

Basically means nothing. Just that "Bad thoughts create bad thoughts."

Honestly sick of pretentious morons using big words in order to sound smart.

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"Peed is stored in the cock and balls"

-Your holiness the Dali Lama

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If no one understands you, your words mean absolutely nothing.

Since I am an immature and wicked man, war and unrest appeal to me more than good bourgeois order. -Ernst Rohm

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"niggers tongue my anus"

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Translated from pretentious douche-bag language to contemporary mongrel-speak, it reads:

"Life is shit because man is shit, and man is shit because he thinks he's the shit."

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"Can you actually live or just die like everyone else?"
-Some drunk enlightened dude I met in the streets 15 years ago

this is really deep can i use this for my senior quote ty XD

this isn't real

My friends, before I sit down to-night—in case there are any of you who think that I should give chapter and verse for what I say—I will prove to you that the policy on which the old Parties unanimously agree is a policy of Bedlam, a policy of madness, a policy of disgrace. (Cheers.) A policy which could not be pursued by the statesmen of Britain unless they were mad, or unless they were the servants of Jewish finance. (Cheers.) But before I prove this from the actual facts of their policy, which we can explain, in no other way, I want those of you who are not members of the British Union here to-night to understand how profound is the difference between us and the old Parties, how grave are the charges we bring against them, how insuperable is the gulf which divides us, how necessary in fact it is that this fight between us shall be a fight to a finish, in which we or they shall perish forever.

Of what, in brief, do we accuse them? We accuse them of making a sham battle. We accuse them of dividing the nation about issues in which they do not believe, and which, between them, do not seriously exist. We accuse them in their battle of Party and their battle of class of dividing the British people, because unless they can be divided the British people cannot be conquered, and we say that in this division of Party and of class the Parties have divided the British people, and the British people, for the first time in their history, have been conquered—not by the foe without, but by the foe within. (Cheers.)

Never sit down with a pocket full of caterpillars. Mork from Ork.

"Get busy living or get busy dying"
--Andy Dufresne

Motivated me to find the painless way to die, unfortunately corona fucked with the shipments schedule and now i'm stuck.

that guy talks like a fag - Dalai Lama

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I have no need to take up each thing that wants to throw its cause on us and show that it is occupied only with itself, not with us, only with its good, not with ours. Look at the rest for yourselves. Do truth, freedom, humanity, justice, desire anything else than that you grow enthusiastic and serve them?

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