Unfunny YLYL, rekt that isn't rekt, repetitive porn threads that you can basically recognize all faces from the last 10~20 threads, including feet, WWYD, incest, loli, social, and don't get me started on s/fur and trap threads. Get, "[insert group of people here] hate", "I hate my life", "Confess your sins, "Everybody has secrets", people becabe unoriginal, they can't make a single original thread or discussion. Even the better ones have replies that are repetitive, cringe, unfunny and people trying too much to be edgy.
>"But OP, you're a [redditor/faggot/nigger/insert you offense here]. You're not considering the good threads."
No I'm not, because they're probably 5% of the threads on Yas Forums and the other boards have so much better content, so fuck you user, it's not worth anymore to stay on Yas Forums.
Agree. But have fun dying in Page 10 because fags are busy stroking their dicks to other dicks they've seen 50 times
Andrew Parker
“Social fap” sounds like a bunch of skitzoids to me!
Nathan Campbell
Not what it used to be, for sure. Social media is a shitshow now too. (Reddit included). All good meme groups getting annihilated. Came back to Yas Forums after 10 years. Ouch. I heavily utilize the "hide thread" button. I'll say that.
Kayden Robinson
It'd be better of they Banned all fap threads, or moved them to their own board.
i miss efg. i wonder what happened to the guy making these threads
Michael Nguyen
You realize how stupid you're being?
Jason Price
It's not their fault. Why aren't we creating good threads? What stops you starting a good discussion? I know. Addiction to porn and ylyl. You come here to wonder and think but instead you jump on the serotonin train and just consume images. We're all addicted and the quality of threads is the proof.
Tyler Brooks
You're all too intelligent to be on Yas Forums. I'm sure the thread you'd start if you wanted to would be astounding.
I stopped regularly browsing Yas Forums years ago... this board is complete trash now.
Isaiah Nguyen
So many newfags in this thread.
Yas Forums has always been shit. Been here since 2011 and nothing has changed.
Adam Martinez
Actual true story inbound >be me >17 at the time >beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him >pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me >have a younger sister, 16 at this time >my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone >announces that she's "seeing someone" >father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard. >few days later, brings the dude home >tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses >visibly nervous >my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom" >discuss for a few minutes >they go out >dad tells me "it isn't going to last" >sis comes home >announces it was "fun" >around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl >she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back >about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother >"We're not a thing anymore" >tryingtoholdbacklaughter.jpg >tell my father this >laughs uncontrollably >mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down
agreed, porn fags should go to /gif/ it has everything Yas Forums has but no loli or feral threads. and webms have sound so it make ylyl threads 100x better