Meth dealer here. best way to defend oneself against a SWAT attack? lookin for tips and tricks i might not already know...

meth dealer here. best way to defend oneself against a SWAT attack? lookin for tips and tricks i might not already know. molotovs come to mind at first but we might get shot throwing them. will i get put on a watchlist for posting this?

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the best defense is to stop selling drugs like a stupid nigger and getting a real job and moving out of your grandmas house

nice bait

You have to do this. So your body already long gone rolling down a hill. You can flap over to it later. Works every time!

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Nuclear weapons, or a large army, larger than your local SWAT teams as well as the national guard.

Failing that, maybe, like, don't get caught? So... Discretion...

Best way? Don't sell meth.

Second best way? Well. I'll just say I hope you're selling meth out of a fortress with an army. Idiot.

not an option. ive been in trouble before so its kind of fucking hard to make money when nobody will hire you
and i have my own house actually
>don't get caught? So... Discretion...
this has worked so far but im afraid some of the morons i sell to might snitch eventually
maybe i should just move around a lot

Move around from house to house. If you don't have several house to use, stay mobile. Don't sell shit out of your house. I don't care if they want an ounce, tell'em to bounce.

>Don't sell shit out of your house
i absolutely never do this

crazy how nobody has actually answered my question yet though

>Rule Number Uno, never let no one know
How much dough you hold
>Number 2, never let 'em know your next move
>Number 3, never trust no-bo-dy
>Number 4, I know you heard this before
Never get high on your own supply
>Number 5, never sell no meth where you rest at
I don't care if they want a ounce, tell 'em bounce
>Number 6, that goddamn credit? Dead it
You think a methhead paying you back, shit forget it!
>number 7, this rule is so underrated
Keep your family and business completely separated
>Number 8, never keep no weight on you
>Number 9 shoulda been Number 1 to me,
If you ain't gettin' bagged stay the fuck from police.
>Number 10, a strong word called consignment
Strictly for live men, not for freshmen
If you ain't got the clientele, say "hell no!"
>Follow these rules you'll have mad bread to break up

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>crazy how nobody has actually answered my question yet though
Cause you crazy if you think you can stop a raid. They bang the door, rush in, and you done, son.

gallon of sweat saves pint of blood. get false floors/ walls with safe behind that doesnt have a key

i dont mean win it, i mean more like survive it and minimize damage to myself, product, friends, and property

hmm falso floor is a good idea. i know some people that work in construction

suicide, they'll never catch you

Don't shit where you eat. You're breaking all the rules

Youd get better reception on /k/

1. Dont shit where you eat. There should be no link to your address. Do not conduct business at your address.

2. If you completely fuck up and do get raided, this means the swat team has a judge signed warrant. Meaning they have your name photo and ID So even if you do pull off the most ultimate home alone and get away. They will still have a warrant and will eventually arrest you.

Probably surrender, lay down, arms behind back and that's it
Unless you're a nigger, you won't get shot

You realisticly cant defend yourself in a swat raid. Even if you manage to somehow wipe out the intial attack or force a retreat, auxilliary units used for cordon procedures will just replace them.

Best answer will only buy you a few hours and thats take a hostage but that'll probably add a few more felonies, so not recommended. Lawyer up, buy some heavy duty door attachments, dont say shit when they take you.

A heavy coat, and a gas mask would buy you some time in the even of taser, peperspray, and gas attack. Flashbangs? Nah

yell "NO HOMO" when they break in

And to add to my aimless post. Please dont tell me you're storing any products or unregistered firearms in your residence or vehicle. Rent a storage locker

>tip submitted!
fuck you druggie. I'll make sure you get taken down.

Always take a 20% cut and have someone else sell / move it.

Eventually that asshole will cut you out.

Find another target.

That target cannot know anything about you just a fake number and a dead drop location. The target goes to the dead drop picks up a phone and drugs , sells it, dead drops cash for more.

Phone: buy a vanilla credit card cash, wearing sunglasses and a ball cap. Use the vanilla card to buy and set up a burner phone.
Look up the local homeless shelter address.
Put the name as john doe to that address.
It you know the homeless address the police use , even better! Because every time they get a passed out homeless asshole they put john doe and that address. Meaning if shit ever went south , linking you to that alias is a bitch

God bless

Your plan needs to be an exit plan, not a stand your ground. You cannot compete with the violence capital of a nation, or even a town. Whatever your plan is, it needs to include great shock and confusion, and then a way to leave. Figure out how to disrupt sight lines and their ability to detect your escape. I don't know what police are looking for when they come after you, but that's what you need to find out.

minimize damage to myself, product, friends, and property

Listen to what the cops have to say, don't be black, lay on the ground. Only an idiot fights an enemy that not only outnumbers you but can rewrite the events that say you resisted so they had to kill you. Keep calm, don't let your hands be covered at any point.

Store that shit elsewhere. Bury it, put it in a safehouse (that doesn't have your bank details or any evidence of you ever being there tied to it). Remember cities have cams everywhere (roads even more so) and the ones owned by the local authorities record in HD. No grainy ass footage, so cover up appropriately for that.

Shit dude, you shouldn't have any friends. The game is dangerous and letting people into your life is putting them in danger. If you want to have close connection and be part of a community that you value and values you, then dealing drugs is not the career choice you should be making. At this stage if you have friends, you want to be making sure the cops don't pressure them to snitch on you.

There is no "defending" against a SWAT attack. They come in from every angle they can and overwhelm you. Even if you manage to leave the room they have every exit possible covered unless you've got secret tunnels. They've sat in a tactical briefing room for hours about the operation, with access to all kinds of technical gear to give them the advantage. Hiding your money and product and complying with the arrest is your only hope of success. Once you're at the station, don't say shit till you have a lawyer.

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Forget fighting a raid. That's how you get shot. What you'll want to do is reinforce the everloving fuck out of your doors/windows. Make so it takes them time to kick your door down. While they're banging the door down, you're flushing any evidence you were stupid enough to have at your house.

... secret tunnel you say?

You can't defend against a SWAT team, don't be stupid. Make a panic room in an adjacent property and dig a tunnel to it. Spend two weeks there, use that time to get a proper disguise and monitor the viability of multiple pre-existing escape plans. Anything you can do to fool facial recognition software, change the way you walk, and the shape of your ears should be fine. Even something like a weighted vest, a tan, and an ear piercing can work. If they know where you live and have sufficient evidence against you, you already fucked. Were you smarter, you would have started with a false identity.

>don't say shit till you have a lawyer.
It's fucking crazy to me that legally in America you have to have someone appointed to you who legally HAS to defend you to the best of his ability even if everyone knows you're guilty. That's fucking awesome.

>t. professional nigger

You didnt even do it right you nigglet

Watch Breaking Bad.

>get a proper disguise
have any tips for this? first thing that comes to my mind is grow a beard and shave it after your encounter iwth law enforcemnt

Yes, as in access to the outside that isn't on any building schematics/floor plans they definently have access to.

And even if by some miracle you've made it out, as this user pointed out, they have a warrant for your arrest. Can you make it across state lines and live out the rest of your life as an outlaw? No bank account, no ID, no hope of a normal life again. As the world becomes more tech centric you'll be left in the dust with next to no income, and probably die on the streets somewhere far from home.

Comply with the arrest, hide your shit and get a lawyer. And seriously think about if the game is for you if you're asking Yas Forums "Can I just molitov the cops?" as if this is GTA and you just need to get your stars down.

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60% of the time, it works every time

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