I love Nazis, Rebels, McVeigh, and Tarrant. Which one of these incompetent boomer cunts do I need to vote for to hasten the inevitable demise of western civilization, b/ros?.
I love Nazis, Rebels, McVeigh, and Tarrant...
Still Trump
It doesnt matter.
The two party system is a sham to provide the illusion of choice.
Your vote doesnt matter. The R or D next to their names dont matter. The person sitting in the executive doesn't matter.
A lot of people think it matters a whole fucking lot. They're willing to deny obvious reality and call anyone who doesn't like Trump a traitor.
Putin seems to be sticking with Trump. I'd say that our best bet.
>NAZI sympathizers shouldn't worry too much about voting.
Hello ISIS is that you?
>a sham to provide the illusion of choice
i used to think that until i watched Donald Trump piss off the entire Republican party during the primaries. No one in the establishment wanted him in. Granted, he hasn't been as anti-establishment as he said he would be and the Republican party has him sorta kinda under control at this point, but the party leadership were all against him at the start.
Shove a pipe bomb up your ass and go to the republican convention and blow yourself up.
I would, but.. you know, metal detectors would go off, and I wouldn't be able to do shit
>Which one of these incompetent boomer cunts do I need to vote for to hasten the inevitable demise of western civilization
Is he sticking with Trump then, or what? Can somebody here who watches RT let me know.
This is true. Same 6 corporations run everything and the "president" is just a puppet show for distraction.
be able to do shit he says
>Telling the alt right to stop voting
moar propaganda.
Voting matters. Pic related
I usually watch the first channel, there is no clear position.
Have you not been paying attention the last few years? Stay with the incumbent and undisputed champion of national destruction.
I keep hearing that Biden is so incompetent that he can't complete a sentence. Surely leadership that incompetent is bound to make some serious errors. Trump has been largely unsuccessful in removing us from NATO, the UN, WHO, and NAFTA (basically just got a name change). Although I do like what he accomplished with the Paris Accord, and the Iran deal. Getting the Iranians back into enriching uranium was absolute genius.
>I greatly admire President Putin, and I watch RT for the neutrality and alternate POV, and I voted for Trump, and I claim to believe that Russian collusion was a hoax.
Trump. He's definitely the path to ruin
Trumps going to shit on everyone’s progressive woke faggism, enjoy the next four years. Also OP is Isis.
OP is the spitting image of the alt right. All of the alt right's heroes (NAZIs, REBELS, terrorists, etc.) were enemies of America.
America vs Republicans. And America wins everytime. Fascists have no chance against America, no matter how often they try
Make it out of PVC
Jew lie
Jews project and seethe
>I am a jew misdirecting away from the israeelephant with my absurd, ludicrous russia bullshit
>Eat my shit goyim, that's all i ever produce
Biden. He'll have health issues, and a nigger women will become president but because she's a cop, the blacks won't give a fuck about her and neither will the progressives and nobody will help her when the right absolutely loses their minds and she thinks the correct play is to go hard against them, which of course they want so shit can pop off.
Trump will just go play golf forever, his second term wouldn't be nearly as funny because he won't have to do anything, he is after all part of the New York leisure class.
Biden. It will enrage hardcore MAGAs. Also Trump won’t be a quiet expresident retiring into the sunset. You’ll have 2 Presidents - the elected and the MAGAs. That will be enough to foment dissent. If the goal is the end of the country humility Trump with a one term presidency and see what happens
You mean jews like you are all enemies of nature and life, kikeroach
>I love Nazis, Rebels, McVeigh, and Tarrant.
Biden might be a big senile dummy but at least he doesn't think that it makes him god's gift to the world and he is capable of listening to people qualified to do their jobs. Donny plays it by the ear and his ear is basically whatever he recently saw on fox.