Why do people feel the need to comment this shit? It's like saying:

Why do people feel the need to comment this shit? It's like saying:
>Hey, in this time of tragedy, don't forget I'm upset about it too

Why make it about yourself? Just shut the fuck up. Adding condolences or saying its sad for the 17th thousand time doesn't do anything but satisfy your own vanity.

Attached: Screenshot_20200420_051657.png (1808x1672, 301.04K)

>Why make it about yourself? Just shut the fuck up.

No one in these comments are making it about themselves you autistic nigger. People simply expressing how they feel about the situation is now somehow clout chasing or attention whoring?

People like you make me not feel so bad about the corona virus offing certain people.


It's fishing for likes you stupid fag

they're called comments for a reason, retard

Yeah you truly are a fucking jackass.

Let me turn this on you, why make a post on Yas Forums? You looking for edgelord posts and replies huh? Why not just keep it to yourself, yet you make your edgy post looking for an echo chamber.

Agreed. I hate this shit too. 90% of people are just vapid fucking pieces of shit who will do anything to make themselves look good. I have no sympathy for the doom that humanity has brought upon itself.

Why is some one commenting in a designated comment area!?!?

One day, idiots like you will realize that its not about being "edgy" its just how people really feel. Just because you can't understand it with your tiny brain doesn't mean its not valid. Kindly go fuck yourself.

You might need to re-read what I typed there bucko, cause your reply makes no sense.

see my other post.

You have HORRIBLE reading comprehension skills, and aren't worth my time. You have a good day now.

You know...im defending the people commenting right?

>Hey guiz I feel bad when bad men shoot innocent ppl. Gimme likes now plz

Wow, galaxy brain take there! So glad we know how you're feeling! This whole time I thought you'd be celebrating the death of innocent people, but now I know you're not!

For fucks sake man, some things are obvious. Some things don't need to be said. Not everything is about you or your feelings. If you don't get to 'express yourself' self over every single tragedy, its okay.

Yep. again, you have ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE reading comprehension skills. Or maybe you just can't remember which words you use? either way, I am not going to bother trying to teach you how to read.

I'm sorry that you're so upset at this trying time, OP, You have my condolences and you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Attached: gondor.jpg (540x960, 75.82K)

Gonna call bullshit on that.

>For fucks sake man, some things are obvious.

You live in an interesting world were you really believe that everyone basically feels the same.

Let me tell you about how I felt when people got raped by refugees and murdered in the EU
I felt no sympathy for them.

When niggers fell like the coronavirus is specifically killing them off more than anyone, I hope that it does, even though that shit makes NO sense cause it doesnt give a fuck what race you are.

But hey, its obvious I give a shit about such a tragic situation. Glad I have you to tell everyone how I don't feel, even though its "obvious".

Oh man, people like you don't make it far in life.

>Wow, galaxy brain take there! So glad we know how you're feeling! This whole time I thought you'd be celebrating the death of innocent people,

>celebrating the death of innocent people

Imagine being such an unaware fucktard you unironically said this....on fucking Yas Forums.

Newfag detected, or this better be fucking bait cause holy SHIT you are retarded.

Not everyone feels the exact same about the same event.

The world isnt the hive-mind you think it is.

Who got killed now? Context pls

You post like a deranged nutcase and believe you're in the position to tell me where I make it in life? That's rich.

>hehe we're part of secret club that thinks it's funny when people die
The overwhelming majority of people posting comments on the platforms that matter with their real name are not gonna say some stupid shit celebrating a killer.

Read the comments in the screenshot. They're all the same.

Some guy dressed as cop in Canada and seemingly killed at least 17 random people.

>The overwhelming majority of people posting comments on the platforms that matter with their real name are not gonna say some stupid shit celebrating a killer.

Yes because knowing who they actually are, they would more than likely put up a persona that is socially acceptable rather than tell people how they ACTUALLY feel. If you think people are that black and white and tell everything upfront you are insane.

>What is empathy
lmfao virgin

It's an automatic social script.
When people say their grandma died, the social script is to automatically respond "I'm so sorry". You aren't *actually* talking about your own personal emotions, because that doesn't matter, you're just saying the thing that you say.

It's like, when someone says 'thank you', you say 'you're welcome'. 'You're Welcome' doesn't really mean anything, it's just something you say when people say thank you.

It's not really done for some selfish drive for 'clout' and it's an incredibly normal, irrational human behaviour.

17 People died from coronavi.........

So then you agree with me, these comments are nothing but feeding their poster's own vanity.

They're not empathetic, they're not helpful, everything being said has already been said. It's just, "hey I gotta my little commentary about how I feel about a tragedy too! Don't forget about me"

pretty sure empathy isn't fishing for likes and attention


>So then you agree with me, these comments are nothing but feeding their poster's own vanity.

This is irony the thread. OP you did the same shit, you are claiming them to do you actual fucking crazy fuck.

>They're not empathetic, they're not helpful

Not in your small bubble world view, maybe to the victims seeing these comments, they feel better knowing there are people out there who give a shit. Not everyone is thinking the way believe they are.

This is one of the most delusional autistic threads in a long time.

I'm making an argument and putting it out there for critique. That's not what these people are doing by saying 'so sad'.

>maybe to the victims seeing these comments, they feel better
Do you honestly believe after having your sister slain in a act of murder, instead of confiding in your family, instead of seeing a grievance counselor, instead of going to therapy....you'd go in the youtube, scroll to the comment section, past all the spam and memes and be comforted by the comment of user "Crackhead Vibes" saying "man, 2020 is the worst year".

Because if that's your worldview, and if youtube comments are you think victims need, then somebody really is out of touch and it ain't me.