What if everything you've believed is false?

what if everything you've believed is false?
>what would you do?

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Do what most Theists do? Reject the evidence and move on with their lives?

why not pursue Truth?

Deep down, I know all I believe is false.

As in, the thing we call Universe is just a sliver of an infinitely bigger multiverse or some even bigger thing our logic can't even comprehend (definitely not what one would call a god).

But I only get access to this Observable Universe, and science is the best way to comprehend this universe, so that`s what I stick with.

Ever heard of the phrase ignorance is bliss?

Some people can handle the truth, or at least bend slightly in the face of it. Most people are incapable of doing that.

The origins of the universe is beyond human comprehension. I feel as though we are apart of a infinite number universes that are expanding and deflating again and again. Each time the universe dies it deflates back to it's original point or singularity and then when enough time expands the universe expands otherwise known as the big bang. Its mind boggling stuff

No big deal. I'm expecting it to be the case.


The Dark Ages were full of ignorance, and definitely not blissful. Modern science would have made life much more bearable. It can cut both ways.

go "i knew it" and go on a rampage, rob normal and drug stores for fun, go home a drug myself with the drugs i stole from the drug store

Dude, about 60% of everything they teach in school is false. At first I thought it was bullshit when I first stumbled upon this info, but I looked into it and holy fuck, people are living in wonderland. I have been slowly waking up ever since i was 19, and now that I'm 27, I know the world doesn't work how they tell us. It's all a shitshow.

To sum all I've researched up, the world is the following:
A realm crawling with living beings, all designed by some Creators ages ago. We are invaders here, before us was the Old World Order, today the New World Order is ruling. Everything that society is built on is a load of rubbish lies.

The world is a framework built with money, and the paste keepign it together is blackmail. That is how order is being kept; through simple blackmail.

Can you go into more detail on the timeline, and what the old and new order are?

People fall in one of three categories:

Theists, atheists, or Truth seekers.

Theists are conformists, they blind themselves with faith in religious leaders, believing the answers are all in scripture.

Atheists are non conformists, always seeking evidence, but fail to seek truth because society has fallen and placed science as the new religion. Science works when proven, but fails when not proven. In other words, science of the unreachable, the past, and the very small (atomic level) are itter bullshit.

and the last category are legit truth seekers, which are the people who don't fall for religion or scientific preachers. They always seek the ultimate truth with 100% evidence. If someone says you'll get electrified if you stick your finger in an outlet, you better prove it somehow and see it with your own eyes. If someone says the lanternfish exist, there btter be 100% proof of a lanternfish, not CGI or dodgy footage taken from a shitty deep water camera. If someone says there is a robot on mars, you better find a fucking way to prove it because they can actually be filiming in some barren land in aantarctica or greenland, using a red filter, and adding a NASA logo on the footage and voila! mars footage jsut for you to swallow.

People need to wake the fuck up because they are getting absolutely fucked in the ass by the Controllers.

Ok, you actually need a fucking doctor, m8.

I would still try and get my goddamn cake.

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based and checked

IDK? Find something else to believe in?

The Old World Order is the ancient people, the ones who lived on these lands before us, the People who built the castles, the masive cathedrals, the temples, everything made of old brick and stone. The people who invented classical music and instruments and actually used electricity before us. A people who didn't live under governments, who were actually free as fuck to explore the world, sharing their energy grid as if it were free fuckign wifi worldwide. That is the Old World Order.

The New World Order is the current world government, the people who invaded the Old Civilization, killed them off, and stole their architecture as our own. Today, people make you beleive the castles were built by old royal familes, or rich explorers, that the cathedrals were built by religious people, that the temples in italy were built by romans and that the pyramids in mexico were built by viring-sacrificing savages who pulled the hearts of people out and drank the blood. The Old World Order stole classical music from the ancient people and claimed that some random deaf dude named Beethoven was a genius, and that mozart was too. The Old World Order killed off the Ancients and began ruling with governments, putting borders here and there so people couldn't explore freely.

The Old World Order Lost. The New World Order won and rewrote history as they wanted it. Both world wars were mainly orchestrated to destroy the ancient structures in certain places. When the Invaders first came, there was massive destuction, but many buildings were still here. WW one and two literally fucked those buildings up, it is no secret that they bombed the shit out of almost 90% of the Ancient buildings in europe. They only left a few fucked up temples in places like Italy and Turkmenistan and claimed ancient romans or hindus built them. Absolute rubbish. You think people riding donkeys really built those massive fucking buildings?

Look it up dude. It's quite fascinating.

Pic is old China.

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Idk man probably kms

No. You need to stay away from government-approved data and start learning on your own. Research dude. It won't kill you. You have the power to seek the truth, don't just google shit or read "science" books approved by the Controllers. Be your own researcher.

correction: the New World Order stole the classical music from the ancient people

another correction in the same paragraph: the new world order killed off the ancient and began ruling with governments

literally nothing would change. i'm open-minded enough to the point where i could drop all my beliefs in an instant if i had to.

>Be your own researcher

it won't do these retards any good at all

And theres this guy


Just because you can search for something on Google doesn’t make you an expert. WTF happened is all the idiots think they’re all geniuses now.

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Probably dwell on it for 2-6 hours, and then just accept it as better than the alternative.

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One major flaw to the supposed "truth seeker" approach. You can obtain truth through indirect observation, and inferences. It migjt not be 100% evidence but still propels truth forward.

Thanks for missing the point. Dumbass.

The statement that ignorance is bliss, in that usage means that people who don't stress about the truth of the universe or how life is largely made up of suffering are less likely to stress about such things, and less stress usually coincides with a general level of happiness.

Also, the middle ages weren't as bad as you make it out to be, most people weren't really any better off than when the Romans were in power before then, and after then when the Renaissance became a thing.

that's the only sane way to live

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Jesus fucking christ. This faggot with the pseudo intellectual mouth barf.

I don't really "believe" anything in the first place, I'm just 90% certain of some things, if something I "believe" is shown to me as false I would like to understand how does it work as far as I can know, what can I do to learn more, etc.

Absolutely this.

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We live in a age where the perponderance of information is so overwhelming that people fear that and instead are more than happy to make up their own realities.

See the Anti-Vaxxer movement.

The point that you didn't get is that in spite of it being a saying it isn't necessarily true.