Greetings, I am a time traveler from the year
I'm willing to answer most questions, however, I am a normal person, I don't know everything. Either way ask me anything.
Greetings, I am a time traveler from the year
I'm willing to answer most questions, however, I am a normal person, I don't know everything. Either way ask me anything.
Is Trump still president
-Is the USA still around and what happened after 2020
-What does Europe look like. Have the w*ite boys been exterminated?
When does this lock down end, seriously its ridiculous at this point
is pic related? have you revived buddy holly at that time?
If you're referring to Donald J. Trump no, he died around 2037.
Do you have flying cars and underwater bubble cities?
what's the biggest industry in the world?
What's the chief social justice cause? How do they look at contemporary social justice movements?
Do they still have movies? What was the last box office smash if so?
I'm more concerned about the big bopper. Is he revived? Did he get enough money to take that chantility lace girl out?
It ends around 2026, however, the Wuhan flu never really goes away, it's similar to the common flu in your time
Is OP still gay?
is any trump still president ex. donny jr.?
No, but an AI of him is quite popular in my time.
Kind of
Power and pharmaceutical
Genetic altering
Not in the way you know them, however a movie called "Fletch" is very popular if a bit overrated.
Do we get rid of the jews? Do we ever stop feeding the globalist jew?
The Jewish religion, as well as most religious, were fazed out ner the end of the 21st century.
What year is Civil War II?
>Kind of
Elaborate? How do you get around?
>however a movie called "Fletch" is very popular if a bit overrated.
Weird. Is that the 1980's movie or has it been remade as some kind of AI driven interactive holographic experience where you can become each alter-ego?
Don't worry baaaaaaaaaaaaaaby
No one of that name ever is elected.
Most political and industry figures were killed during the Second American civil war.
It started in 2086 and ended in 2093.
Do trannies still exist?
Alright, what's a relatively important event that's going to happen in the next week, (April 20th - April 27th 2020)
what the deal with space? what advancements in space travel?
"Flying cars" were used for a short time but were quickly fazed out by localized teleportation which is the most popular in large cities, however, some wealthy people own flying cars.
Most movies are played directly in the brain creating a simulated environment in which you can move around in the setting of the movie, however, there are things similar to what you described.
What are 'trannies'?
Also the movie Fletch, as far as I'm aware is not a remake. Though I might be a bit misinformed.
What stocks should i buy that will rise in the future ?
we do it boys
Nice trips
Any that you buy will likely not be very useful, in the 2050s there is a major worldwide financial crash.
How long does this Corona shit last?
The Wuhan flu or, coronavirus never really goes away, the widespread panic ends in the mid-2020s
how long until we discover anti gravity ?