Which is more disgusting a pedofag or the people intentionally luring a pedofag

Which is more disgusting a pedofag or the people intentionally luring a pedofag


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The pedofag



I've been here for a while and that seems pretty clear cut.

Why...……. why would luring a pedophile in to be caught be disgusting unless...…

the pedo but a sub section of the "catchers" seem to really get into roles, perhaps it's the dolting and attention they no longer get but some do go straight up moist for the role

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There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to children. Acting on that attraction though... not so much good.

Says the pedophile

Yeah, and?

Says any therapist.

>t. mindless sheeple


I hope you die through fire

I mean, the pedo is worse.

to give an example there was a older childless woman on TCAP that did nothing but troll chat rooms, her sucess rate was nil before the show but she would do this for 12 hours a day

she didn;t work and she collected disability and all she did was troll chat rooms

how much of that was detective work and how much was being a lonely shut in with no attractive value?

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of course the pedo is worse but not by very far in typical cases. i have always had a feeling that these pedo baiters have had the pedo urges themselves and use baiting as a way to weirdly `experience` it, remind themselves it's wrong and get attention.

What you said was wrong. Everything about being attracted to children is wrong. Pedo scum.

probably re-living her cherished memories of childhood molestation that she CAN'T re-tell to her friends without saying it was abuse.

punishing other abusers as a proof and proxy for her own society enforced shame.

Iatrogenic Munchhausen by Proxy

this, no one i saying the pedo is not scum well this guy is but not the rest but if you think these older people who did this for hours a day aren;t living vivaciously through their avatar at times...well welcome to the net...people are fucked up

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"But not by very far"

The pedonis worse by much, much more.

Nothing better than some 8 year old pussy


i agree

Young girls are goddesses and older women are witches that come to cast a spell on the girls and tell them they're being abused when they're pleasing the cocks of men. These witches also feed on men and love seeing them destroyed.
It's time for a Greta Thunberg of Sex to tutor the world in natural sexuality and let everyone know it's ok to fuck the young girls.

What you said is wrong. Everything about restricting other people who are cooperating in private under no coercion but for mutual self benefit is wrong. Moralfag (far far worse than pedo scum will ever be).

Knew a bird who would roleplay a young girl online, would test the limits and see if she could angle the camera to fake ass shots or offer blowjobs through a hole or blanket

not sure if she ever achieved any of these goals but she was a weird one

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I second this motion

I like waifs but Dayumm!!! sauce please ?

That woman is so fucking hot!! My gosh! And yeh fuck pedos

I wonder if she got ass raped as a loli
as part of her undercover work

This all the way. If you could rewind time, you'd see these are the same women who in high school always had a vague story about getting raped at a party a few years back. Just like the kid who claimed to have a girlfriend in another school or Canada, these girls saw a rape claim as proof of their desirability. They were oblivious that saying that someone slipped you drugs at a party and you woke up without your clothes on so you never pressed charges just make you sound batshit crazy.

Because they spent their prime years waving red flags, they end up shouting the victim card louder and louder, thus chasing away any potential partners. Alone and miserable, they turn to internet vigilantes to prevent girls from suffering the abuse they invented to make themselves sounds interesting and wanted. Kind of hilarious, actually.

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Diaper-assed mutt fuckers like you are worse than any pedo.

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Is this a legit question?
Are you retarded ?