If you had a time machine to change ONE decision you ever made in the past, what would it be?

If you had a time machine to change ONE decision you ever made in the past, what would it be?

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When I was a little kid, I drank a cup of bleach. Probably don't vomit.

To order the fries instead of the salad


To take me back to that May night in 2006. Not to call my ex girlfriend. Whatever you do, however you’re feeling right now user, do not make that phone call. I know you’re young and you think you know it all...just for once in your life listen to this: DO NOT MAKE THAT CALL.

Would never trust anyone who wanted to do cool things and gtfo

...what happened?

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I wish I'd bought a larger helium tank and successfully gassed myself to death when I tried at 18.

wanna talk about it?

Ended up getting back with her and lasted 12 years. 12 years of hell! Just now in my own in life but long story short wasted a lot of time being with her.

Honestly in 7th grade I dropped out of a school wide trivia challenge thing because I was being emotional, didn't think I'd win, later realized I would've won it to my great embarrassment.

Cheating wife. Took her back at the last minute when she claimed she needed me. I should have got on the plane. Don’t live for a woman. That’s gay as fug

Not much more to say, had a good push to kms at 18 because I was going to court for crashing a car causing injury.
Now I'm 21, and I haven't got a good excuse to try again yet, I'm waiting until something as terrible happens to push me over the line and I'll get it right next time.

Wow, 12 years...
Can't have been all bad if you stuck around for 12 years.

I would never have opened up a credit card. That shit will cut you down in the end.

Care to elaborate?

Nah man. Wait until you are at least 35. You've got youth on your side. Go move somewhere. Start off fresh. Live small. Join the military to travel if you can't afford it. It sucks but at least you've given yourself an opportunity to try something different. If that doesn't work out then you have my blessing to jump off a cliff. I'll pour one in your memory stranger, and I'll see you on the other side if there is one.


I opened up a credit card when I turned 18 to buy myself a gun and a bunch of other things. I had no concept of interest rates until years later. I had to open up other cards to pay off previous cards and now I'm looking at chapter 7. It was 100% my fault but was living in hard times where I had to use them to survive.

Did you make it?
What's bad about the military?
Seems respectable and honorable if you ask me
I quit basic training and that's no fun

I'm smack 5th grade me and tell me to stop molesting my sister.

try to make it work instead of just giving up

Damn man. You also try to buy a house with that thing or what? In all seriousness that does suck, and it's going to keep popping up as an ugly reminder of your dumb decisions. It might be harder than normal right now to try and recoup that loss due to the pandemic. Just got to dig those heels in and try to get some sort of purpose to keep yourself going. I got married at 18, joined the military to support us and then got divorced because she couldn't stand me being gone in boot camp. Been paying alimony ever since. The fun experiences I've had definitely kept me going though. They were far in between sometimes but damn me if i didn't appreciate them. I'm not advocating to join any service. I guess I'm just trying to say is give it time, and during that time try to make the best out of it.

oh yeah and dont drop out you fucking bum

Listen to my mom and lose weight in hs so i dont ruin my body like today. Also taking a gap year before going to college, id probably be buying my own house right now had had more time to evaluate my options.

Thanks man, might pour one myself

The decision not to kill myself when I was a teenager. About to turn 30 in a year and life has gotten exponentially worse every year.

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Wouldn’t do that first line of snow

Date more women in college

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never do mdma, my life would be much better without it