>Joe Biden is a literal stuttering retard with dementia
>the democratic party has chosen him to represent them
Joe Biden is a literal stuttering retard with dementia
Other urls found in this thread:
the powers that be have chosen him because he and Trump both represent their interests
he is the democrat base
The Democrats are so hell bent on erasing history that they’ve nominated someone that can’t remember it.
bUt dRuMpF
correct answer.
Yet he's still 10 times smarter than the current President the republicans elected.
Way to suck gop cock OP. You got the points down pretty well. How much they pay these days to post here?
he literally wants to ban guns, raise taxes, and re-implement obamacare
ok retard
Democrats have super delegates. Can literally ignore the will of the people and choose whoever the hell they want, voters be damned.
Expect to see Governer Cuomo come outta no where and be nominated the Democratic candidate.
>he literally wants to ban guns,
Funny, you morons said the same thing about Obama, and now you have more guns than ever
Keep sucking that NRA dick
Please don't reproduce, we don't need more dumb people in America.
No.... Regulations are tighter than ever and the Democrats rhetoric on gun banning becomes more and more aggressive the tighter those regulations become. Take Virginia as a perfect example. What Democrats attempted there was arguably unconstitutional and it took the entire state standing up against them to stop it
Sure he makes alot of gaffes but Trump makes alot of gaffes and is a bumbling fucking retard sooooooo
Eat shit Boris
Yeah let's go ahead and take democracy is a real example funny how you gun nuts claim you're fucking patriots but when you see real democracy in action you lose your fucking shit and you blame it on somebody else just like fucking Trump does
What are you gona do, cut him with some rusty razor blades?
We don’t have a democracy. Only a Democrat would post something this stupid.
Lol fuck the nra, shows how little you know about the gun community.
Inb4 suck Eugene stoners dick
Listen son how do I open pdf
Trump must be doing terribly to trail such a moron.
Fuck gimme dat obammer care cuz your shit post gave me cancer.
Libtards are apes and graboids. Low status low IQ votes from muh immigrants
Lol the average democrat voter IQ is below 90 because you libtards love shitskin 3rd worlders so much. I’m all for killing anyone under 100 IQ.
The gibs me dat party would die instantly.
>liberals mostly college educated
>republicans mostly hill billy hicks
Yeah Im sure their IQ's are over 70 at least.
As opposed to the "gib me yours" party? The ones that bent over and sold out their party to Trump?
can't buy groceries without ID? Riiight.