

Attached: lul.png (1919x939, 356.39K)



why the fuck is this shit not done yet. where are my niggers at

im doing the swastika in the middle

>building a swastika
>where are my niggers at

Can niggers stop placing red shit near the swastika?
I understand placing red shit in the rest of the flag but the swastika is going to be surrounded by a white and black circle

TBH the massive raid around the center the other day was fun, but now I have moved on more to do my own stuff, and read these threads for the drama.

What is your own stuff? Not asking for coords but tell us what your up to.


What drama, the commies trolling?

You faggot.

Not him, but currently working on this with some other anons

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There has never been drama user. The "trannies, SJWs, commies,etc" was just us baiting anons into bumping the thread. If you look carefully, you'll notice the arguments are mostly stirred and continued by a samefag (me)

found the schizo

>he doesnt know that the almost every single thread and post on Yas Forums is made by the JIDF

>you don't even know that every single thread and post on Yas Forums is made by your other personalities

Bullshit, they're all from that Anonymous guy.

you need to watch closer

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Are we gonna build the flag or be faggots?

i think it is YOU who will have to be watching closer

Attached: literallyallme.jpg (1781x924, 133.93K)

What do you think?

Yas Forums used to do cool shit, but nowadays it's all faggotry

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oh yea i remember that

thought it would be further along by now no offence


reminder of this glory

Attached: download.jpg (204x247, 26.36K)

Havent been in that area in a bit, I'll go check it out. I have the coordinates saved.


No offense taken.
I've been getting sidetracked and taking too many breaks.
I'm a brainlet when it comes to pixelart, but the user helping out is amazing.

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>you don't even know that every single thread and post on Yas Forums is made by your other personalities
may have been true

brazil appears to be doing stuff near the center. commufags being out botted by lots of huehues.