Right wing white anons,
If you were being forced to fuck a non white girl(an attractive one), what race would you choose?
Latina? Asian? Indian? Jew? Black?
Right wing white anons,
If you were being forced to fuck a non white girl(an attractive one), what race would you choose?
Latina? Asian? Indian? Jew? Black?
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Raping another ethnicity and ruining her body is literally one of my biggest fantasies, so I'll take one of all.
Latina, duh. Indian if she’s hot
>implying that being right leaning is the same thing as being a Yas Forums sperg
Latinas are legitimately very hot.
I would have zero problem with the Latino invasion of the US if it weren't for them:
1.Copying black people at a high rate
2.Voting Dem at a high rate
>implying right wing anons aren't already ditching stupid white women for asians
the autism wing of the right. Right normies bang either white trash girls or white stacies
you have to be 18 to post.
either is fine
fucked all of them before (some hookers)
I'm so glad I'm not cuck pilled and let superficial shit like that decide my life
I'm 25, you fag
Sure thing, kid
you're a libertarian you moron.
conservatives start families, and white women are unfit for the task.
I married a latina.
>thinking that banging Asians makes you more conservative
have you sniffed her butt yet?
You do know that when we talk about Latinas -- Mexico, Central America, South America, we're talking about Europeans who came over and mixed race with the indigenous people right?
It's much like the "whites" in the South who fucked blacks/mixed blacks till their features were passable enough to be white.
Most Latinos can probably trace their roots to Europe quicker than Americans.
its the other way around. white women today are not mature enough to me mothers or wives.
western women of asian descent don't count either, they are just as morally reprehensible as white women.
they have to be actual asians.
Asian, why do you even have to ask?
all the people saying mexican are going to be happy until she beats your kid with a flip flop in the middle of Walmart
Forced? I have fucked two Mexican girls, a Puerto Rican, two black chicks, a Chinese girl, a Jewish chick, and an Indian chick. What's the big deal?
This question is for right wing white anons. Not libertarians, 90's democrats and leftists who still don't know when to use the word cuck as an insult.
Hi Jeb
Why only right wingers?
because we already know the rest of you will fuck anything that moves.
Because left wingers celebrate whites becoming a minority so it wouldn't make sense to ask a left winger this question.
Whites are already a minority. Wow, dont you live a shallow, uninformed existence.
In this order
5.native american
Yeah, in the 15 and under age groups. And left wingers celebrate this. Which is why it wouldn't make sense to ask them this question.
Im a right wing extremist who doesnt give two fucks about race. If shes hot and shes down then shed best carry it full term and harem up.
Kids are shit, probably deserved it.