I’m always hearing about how Asian chicks are thirsty for white cock, you think I could score one over Instagram...

I’m always hearing about how Asian chicks are thirsty for white cock, you think I could score one over Instagram? If so, how? Help me out here Yas Forums

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How's the weather in Rivendell?

Connecticut but it’s on/off. How’s the weather with you?

prob not an ABG or high point asian, maybe a averageish to below average first gen though

What’s ABG?

What does ABG mean?

asian baby girl

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if that's you, lose weight, get those cheeks chad mode, and cut your hair

Holy shit what’s the method on doing this

Tell them you were in Hansen amd show them "Doo Wop"
Works everytime for me.

I picked this dumb scot up because she believes I'm Hemsworth. Chad for life, or beta to death.

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Working on the first two, I’ve trimmed down to 140 at 16 and I think a solid portion is muscle

I know getting rejected by Tauriel must have been hard, but venturing into the depths of Khand may be pushing it.

You're a 7 but if I squint you're a solid 9. You're in the money pal, all Asians do is squint!

1. you must be chad af, no exception for any race\
2. spend time in asian cities/neighborhoods, go to cafes, markets, etc to gain experience with the culture
3. go to clubs/bars in these asian neighborhoods OR set it as your tinder neighborhoods
4. if you want to just smash, just go talk to them and be smooth
5. if you want a relationship, suggest going to a popular cafe, karaoke booths, restaurants, etc in the neighborhood you've been visiting for the first date BUT do not act like you're fetishizing them, be very casual about it

Why is Chloe Grace Moretz suddenly into asians?

don't lie to him user, he looks like he plays the flute

Fuck you my parents literally forced me to play flute from 6 to 15 and I fucking hated it

probably why you ended up looking like that

If so, then why the switch to sucking dicks?

Best rimjob I ever got was from a jazz saxophonist.

Well I switched to guitar to get the fingers down, what instrument should I play with my dick?

Bass drum, of course.

Sing her mmmbop?

Nothing screams clitoral pleasure like calussed, rock-hard, chapped and cracked fingertips.
Like a piece of tree bark.

No, sing her - If I had a hammer

Luckily for me I’m not so shit at everything I do that I have cracked fingers

Speaking from experience - once accidentally grazed her sensitive parts with left guitar hand fingertips.
Noise between drowned cat and crow came out.
Was politely asked to watch the hand.

Nigga how, they’re just fucking fingers

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Asians wish they were white. From skin creams to who they marry. It’s amazing that Asian women are so deepest are to throw away their culture for white people.

Then there’s this,
Since corona dropped. Guess who’s the most racist towards the Asian? White people.
To be so smart at math Asians are fucking confused about everything else.

You obviously arent playing or practising enough to be any good.
Get to the stage where you can play staircase flawlessly on any pawnshop guitar you pick up.
I got some Serbian pussy couple years ago just for learning 'Ochi Chornye'.
You have chosen the sensitive, longhair musician character class build, bro.
Become legendary in some of your skills.

> You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

user is right, cracked and calloused fingers are pretty painful when they come in contact with the clit or really that whole area, especially if the guy puts too much pressure (a common mistake)

I’ll do whatever the fuck I want

I practice at least an hour a day and can flawlessly play things like Eruption or Holy Wars, working on Tornado of Souls. Maybe it’s because I use small strings, but my hands have never been destroyed to bad, except for the first time I learned Dave’s solo on holy wars and they were shot for a couple days

Yeah, I go with Tormund Giantsbane.
It's the niche pocket for the crazy petite tat geeks I like

Thank you - and they can get into such a state from long hours of pressing into and sliding over guitar strings.
I cant be the only dickhead who has literally popped off the skin on a fingertip like a deo can cap.

You will get there.
Hand spasms are fun.

Maybe I’ll just have to start learning Stairway perfectly on a shitty pawn store epiphone

Practice until subtle size and huge quality differences in guitars dont matter to you.

Be careful catching asians out in the wild that isn't a club basically.

Was at a bar at around 8pm and had these 2 beautiful girls playing pool, friend and I go over, I get the air settled, they think we are cool af--dumbasses--and we hit it off... during games, offer to buy drink, decline, think nothing of it

In the end I get their numbers and think nothing of it. I then remembered there's an exchange college that is a high school for foreigners.... mfw these girls were probably 16

Never called back, also be ause I was an alcoholic, but looking back, we had a lot of fun even though friend and I were slowly acting dumber/more inebriated...if they were 18, that could have been gold... not worth the risk when you're not afraid to play the field

I’ve tried out squiers, player model strats, Jackson Vs, SGs and more, the guitar you use really doesn’t mask your skill. I use a Player model Strat and you can hear the mistakes, same as a Squier tele or a Jackson Rhoads

A little bit of jail time here, a bit of a sentence here, who really cares?

I agree to be very careful, especially if you aren't asian yourself and have difficulty telling the ages of asians. I actually am an asian femanon so I don't need to pick up other asian femanons, but I want to help my brothers get qt azn gf