Why is Cuckold fetish a thing...

Why is Cuckold fetish a thing? Seriously I kind of accepted myself as a fetishist but I still don't understand why it gets me hard watching this specific kind of porn.

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A few reasons:

Color contrast
Emotional pain of having someone you love cheat on you - think mental BDSM

Why is any fetish a fetish.
Childhood neglect. Personal trauma. Retardation in the brain.

I think cuckoldry is caused by the mother consuming nothing but Jack Daniels during pregnancy.

Color contrast?
Think you've been on Yas Forums for too long coomer.

Evolutionary. It is easier for the white man to get on his knees and be afraid then be dominant and strong.

Esta putita es muy linda. Argenta

Black on white pops more than any other race combination.

Okay? Noodle dishes pop up more than anything else when I search Chinese food.

Loss of power/control is some people’s thing

That's not a color contrast?

i don't know what to tell you
this makes me cum harder than anything else in the world

i want it so bad

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No it's food.
Repeat after me: Correlation is not causation.

The color of the cuck is irrelevant to the cuck fetish.

tell me you wouldn't do it user
be honest

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I slowly got into the idea of fucking my friends fiance, I think it's the taboo that attracts people. Makes it a lot more exciting

everyone is in this thread because they want it

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Youre getting off to the idea of fucking somebodies wife, even if you think youre a fuck. You just dont realise it.

"why can't i stop watching blacked/cuckold porn"
Why are threads only made about these fetishes and not others?

I don't understand either but god, I can't stop thinking about watching my mom getting fucked by other guys.

I didn't mention correlation?

Because you're a pathetic bottom feeder and deep down you know that you aren't worthy to pass on your genes

I think the short answer is that there are certain people who will fetish ize their anxieties as a means of feeling some sort of control over that anxiety.

>Black on white pops more than any other race combination
That's a correlation retard.
>interracial cuck is popular
>color contrast is a defining feature of cuck porn

>What is reading comprehension?
He's talking about contrasting colours popping out not search results popping up.

Rephrase that into English and I'll give it my best comprehension. Because I have no fucking clue what you attempted to say.
>contrasting colours popping out ???

White and black stand out against eachother. Are you really that retarded that it is not plainly obvious or are you being deliberately difficult?


>White and black stand out against eachother.
It's kinda hard to guess, when what you failed to convey was a non-sequitur.
Opposite colors are opposite. Yes? Okay? And?

It's not a thing at all. It's bad porn, a larp for angsty virgin teens and used for racism against white people. Nothing more.

The original user you responded to mentioned how black and white "pops" more than other colour combinations and you then started talking about getting noodles when you search chinese food.

I didn't mention popularity you fucking retard.


Maybe this makes sense...

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humiliation and control on either side makes the fucking harder between the cuck and the hotwife, and the hotwife and the bull.
voyeurism from porn trained guys to want to watch.
it's an extension of femdom. fetishized cheating fears.

theres a lot

Okay. So I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you were even more retarded than I feared.
Lets go back. And take it bit by bit so your coomer brain can keep up.
Here you, or a likeminded user you're defending, said that cuck porn is a thing (in response to op) BECAUSE OF color contrast.

I then said that color contrast has nothing to do with cuck porn. In rebuttal to this argument, you say it "pops" more.

How the fuck is that relevant to the discussion I just laid out for you?

>"cuck is interracial"
>Race has nothing to do with it
>"black on white pops yo"

Dumb. As. Shit.

I think if you have submissive tendencies, what is more submissive than watching while another guy fucks your wife/GF?
Maybe licking her clean afterwards or sucking his cock to get him hard for her...

I like being better than others and if it can be in sex too then I’m taking it. Best feeling is having a girl ask you to cum in her despite not being your gf

For some reason I expected a real argument. So I interpreted the drivel as the closest thing to an argument I could.
I.E. that interracial is the most popular. So it's a characteristic of cuck porn. Not that it "pops".

In that case I apologize to you. You were better at translating retard than I was.

Very erotic!