Alright Yas Forums, my dumbass girl got preggers so what are your dumbest names for a kid?

Alright Yas Forums, my dumbass girl got preggers so what are your dumbest names for a kid?

I already hate this little shit and am going to resent paying for its stupid child support for the rest of my life, so the least I can do is make sure it has a name that equally sucks. Its mother has an IQ that's pushing down to 70, she's hot but god-damn is she dumb. Hot as fuck, but too fucking dumb to even properly use birth control. On the plus side, she'll go along with literally any name I want. At least I can rest easy knowing the kid will be lucky if its not functionally retarded.

I'm thinking like Stand Mixer or Toyota Corolla right now. Gender-neutral since I'm sure as fuckk not paying for all that neo-natal shit to find out its missing an arm or some shit.

Also quads names the kid outright. I'll send you the birth certificate if you want.

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courage wolf

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How about Lucifer.. means light bringer..

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love preggos

That's the best you can come up with? Fuck off.

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A fucking name faggot. Take your degenerate pregnancy fetish to the fucking tranny threads or some shit.

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Kill yourself for being that much of a cunt to your unborn child you nigger

Go with the name Jonathan

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As a new father whose little babygirl is 12 days now....Fuck you! How can you not love your child, no matter how her mother is?! It is your child!!!

>Kill yourself for being that much of a cunt to your unborn child you nigger

this. Question is who really is the low iq level faggot, fucking a dumb slut raw. At least be a man about it you waste of oxygen.

She is dumb but you were too fucking stupid to pull out.

Are you triggered? Don't be mad because you're a neckbeard virgin. Go back to the anime loli threads.

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Why you gotta call me out like that user


Now we're talking. A nigger name for a dumb white kid. Should the middle name be like Biggie or Tupac? Or maybe a wild card like Django Kid Rock

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Bahahaha burn mofo!!!

Birth control is a two way street dumb ass!!

Kids grow on you, dont be a total faggot about it, who knows you might enjoy being a dad.

If the bitch is dumb then can do all sorts of kinky shit when and if you get time so enjoy opp

Try a name like Gavim

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Lenin Adolf

fuck it rolling

Doug Dimmadome

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Digger Nick



cowboy dickerson

I like the way yoou think.

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Renault Twingo

Justin case

Don't be retarded faggot. No one wants children.

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Lil' Accident

toyota corolla is literally a great name, idk why youre even asking when you already had the answer you fucking dipshit


Captain Dogshit


>I already hate this little shit

Guess who gettin' doxxed and taught a lesson soon

Captain Ghey

Its probably not even yours, jackass. Dont worry about it. I wouldn't fuck you and I doubt she does either.

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geophph (jeff)

I always thought Chlamydia was a pretty name.

Wolfgang Hammersmith


Dixon Cider (your last name)

Well damn nigger, just go get a pack of smokes and never come back

Its mine fucktard. She's in love or some shit and completely devoted. She's too dumb to fuck anyone else.

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Hitler 2

Dave Ming Chang


Its 2020, faggot. The government wil find you unless you go to Mexico or some shit and I'm sre as fucck not going to Mexico. They'll even steal your stimulus check, they already stole mine for my other retarded baby.

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Yeah, you for sure got cucked. Just wait till lil Koby comes clawing his way out your girls pussy




I feel Chlayidia is a better middle name. The kids in elementary scchool won't even know what that iis to make fun of it. Maybe like Herpes.


no middle name no last name just poop


River. post the certificate plox.


Basket Creek

La Queefa if it's a girl
And koolaido if it's a boy


Penishitler Cumnig

John Doe


Home O'seckshoeall

Dohn Joe